The believer dichotomizes the requirement of the Word
With the actual experience in life.
The believer creates their own environment of "Spirituality"
Which will not be questioned by the Word of God
Or the Christian community.
This denial of sin perpetrated in wilful disobedience
Is sublimated with their own feelings
Of perceived blessings
Of revelations
Of special encounters with the Lord
Of special feelings engendered
During the so-called reading and hearing
Of the Word of God!
When they personalize this intimacy with God with
"The Lord showed me"
"The Spirit told me"
"I felt his power this morning . . ."
Who can confront such spiritual giants
Who see things normal Christians do not see?
Or feel what ordinary God fearing believers do not?
While these same giants continue
To hate their brothers openly
Continue to refrain from speaking with their wounded brother
Continue to deceive themselves through
The issue of ethics and justice receive more attention
Than we realize in Scripture!
The issue of healthy interpersonal relationships
Is demanded throughout Scripture.
How does this sinning spiritual giant
Read Ephesians 4:26-31 without pathos?
Where the passage deals with duties to one another?
How does this brother read 1 Peter 3 with feeling
Without feeling a dichotomy from reality?
How does a bitter, angry, hostile believer
Read 1 Corinthians 13 and be blessed?
When you follow the brother to a meeting
Then you see the caricature of Christianity
For during the "Spirit-filled worship"
He stands up with hands raised, eyes closed
To feel the presence of the Lord!
He cries as he feels touched by the presence of God
(Seriously though he does not feel the presence of the indwelling God in his life -
He waits for the esoteric experience in a group)
Not to resolve the conflict that exists with God!
For he lives in denial!
You ask me how long he can pretend to live for God
I tell you, for years!
The evidence is abundant around you!
You ask me how such an individual can claim
To be blessed
Along with claims of personal blessings
I tell you that denial can keep him or her going for years.
Missionaries do it for terms
Becoming the cultural environment for their deliberate disobedience
Preachers do it professionally for years
While preaching to others
And hiding or denying their own sins!
(Blessing others)
Leaders of all kinds do it with style
Since everybody has their own secret limitations
Why should they strive after purity, godliness and discipline?
Why should they bother to resolve sin in their lives?
The rest of the lesser noticed believers
Say to themselves
Since this charade of deceit is modelled by most.
Why should they agonize about their short comings
When they could just as easily live in denial?
Dichotomize your experiences from
The stringent requirements of the Word of God
Be schizophrenic in your spiritual life
Live out the less than ideal odious repulsive
Christianity which is very much in vogue
In the Christian world of make-believe
While reading about, singing and talking
Sanctified holy living reserved for the few!
(Who wants to be different from others anyway?)
If the average Christian mentality
Is cohabiting normally with unconfessed sin
To the point of modelling "sincerely"
Why be different when you can join the mindless majority?)
One young lady was downright offended
When I suggested that since she and her boyfriend
Were living in fornication routinely
Not only did they need to confess to the Lord
They needed to have a consultation
Which would involve forgiving each other
As well as breaking the two year romance
Of unrelenting shameless indulgence without!
"We love each other.
God's will is for the relationship to continue!"
What about sin?
We have no guilt about our sex
We feel forgiven!
For we have given it to the Lord
Trusting that the blood of Jesus protects us!
"You are fornicating regularly, copulating with no fear
Your behaviour is scandalous to the Christian community
Even if they have no guts to tell you so.
"Since when are guilty feelings the final arbiter for truth?
Are Christians to depend upon guilt feelings
For ethical and moral choices?
When then is the Word of God going to be
The final ultimate source of authority?
So long as the Bible is the final authority for years
(Which it should be!)
Your copulation is sinful and scandalous behaviour
Your actions are reprehensible deserving immediate judgement"
Oh, how about the absence of feelings
Of wrong doing?
“We feel peace about the whole situation.”
"You are living in sinful disobedience
Behaving like juvenile delinquents in the Lord
You are commanded by God to quit living like unregenerates."
This young lady studies the Word of God regularly
She leads a Bible study and Prayer Group
(When she is not spending nights with her lover!)
She sincerely sees no disharmony in her philosophy of life
Nor does she realize the monstrosity of dichotomy
Of living in unrestrained sinful behaviour
While maintaining the rituals that are commonly accepted
As marks of spirituality:
- Reading
- Praying regularly
- Interceding for other saints (this is a claim made by someone who cannot even be heard by God)
- Attending church regularly
- Leading Bible studies (a level of "growth?)
This is passively accepted as modern day discipleship
Across the body of Christ!
A promiscuous believer "Discipling" other Christians!
- Giving financial support to the church.
- Witnessing to unbelievers.
This promiscuous individual is determined to convince
Unbelievers of their eternal state in hell!
We see this kind of Christianity visualized daily
By believers who nurture sin deliberately
While playing around with Christian rituals
That are considered spiritual!
The Bible, while claimed to the final authority
Does not invade the mind
Nor is it given access to invade emotions
Invade the recreational world
Or family or business interests for that matter.
The Lord is not given the exclusive right
To be Lord of all
Since the believer wants to be a Christian
On his or her own terms and conditions
That God cannot wrench as Sovereign Lord!
"Why did you become a Christian
If you knew all along that you were not
Going to submit to his Lordship?"
Oh, he is my Lord all right
It's just that there are weaknesses and habits
That I am struggling with
It's all under the blood of Jesus!
I have told the Lord about it!
"He is not the Lord of your life
When his kingship is blatantly undermined
Through skilful, deliberate, strategized disobedience!"
I have confessed my sins
In fact, I do that hundreds of times
He understands my motives and weaknesses
After all nobody is perfect!
"Perfection is hardly the issue here
You choose to live in known disobedience
With no overt intentions to refrain from perpetrating evil
Yet you appeal to the "forgiveness of the Lord"
As a psychological dynamic to exacerbate your habit
"Forgiveness" merely propels you
Freeing you to abandon yourself to sinful living
With "the blood of Christ' becoming a mystical excuse
For further indulgence!"
Your behaviour is entrenched to sinful enslavement
With a lessening (if ever) degree in desire
For purity
For fidelity
For godliness
For practical physical experimental holiness!
Dichotomous Christianity in this context
Insists that it is the ritual of the system
That counts to satisfy the requirements of sanctification
Or "living a life worthy of the Lord
Pleasing him in every way"
Versus obedience!
It is reading the Word versus living the Word
That counts.
It is the external form of religiosity
Versus the renewal through the transformation of the mind
It is the leading of a Bible class (or preaching or teaching or singing in the choir or witnessing or giving or going to church!)
Versus obedience of the Word as seen in
Fleeing sensual sins as repeatedly called for!
Loving one another in visibly expressed deeds!
Confessing sins to one another
Forgiving each other as God in Christ did for us!
Dichotomy says make a demarcation
Between what the Bible says
With your daily routine
And never the twain should meet!
Fake your "peace" with God
Fake your "good times with the Lord"
Fake the "joy of the Lord"
(which never happens!!)
Fake the experiences felt with the Lord during personal prayers!
(Besides nobody is there to determine your veracity)
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Insightful Thoughts
We are always faced with a challenge of what others think of us even long after God has forgiven us. MVK
We all need to have an unwavering faith in God, that deep rooted knowledge that it shall be well with us at last. MVK
A good word uttered in good season often produce good results. MVK
Talking must always be done like singing it should always be well rehearsed before being released. MVK
Never give up until you have proven that what you're actually trying to achieve is absolutely unachievable. MVK
The Bible encourages us to renew our minds and never to remove our minds. MVK
Rarely does one see the need to think wisely until their bad thinking gets them into trouble. MVK
No idea is totally bad, if it's not good for today then save it for another day. MVK
My mind is made up, I want to be a good person, no matter what. MVK
We need to develop a positive attitude, a mind totally disabled from entertaining negativity. MVK
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