For lovers who love Yahweh - Part 2 - By Dr. Charles Mahlangu

Roving Through Psalm 119

The lovers seek God’s direction for marriage goals from the Word of God. The lovers are guided by the light of God’s Word. The lovers’ supreme pledge is that the Word of God is their heritage forever. The lovers pledge to be found doing the Word of life forever to the end…”
The commandments are the Word of God. The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The testimonies are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success.
The lovers lay down policies to be single-minded in their devotion to obedience. The lovers make God their hiding place and shield, for all the challenges faced in their marriage. They declare a persistent longing to be enabled to submit to the authority of God.
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