MVK Zone Devotionalist - Pastor. Moss Nthla. Ebenezer Bible Church. Gauteng. RSA

Moss Ntlha: Pastor, Ebenezer Bible Church. General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa.
Location: Mohlakeng, Randfontein. Gauteng ,South Africa
About Me
Years ago, I think the year was 1987, a church sort of happened around me. I was later to learn that this was called church planting! So I guess I planted a church by mistake. Here is how it happened:
I was working as a chief geochemist with a mining company, having done an Applied Maths and Chemistry degree. With my wife Khumo, we went about trying to figure out how to make a contribution in the country, which was then in the midst of political upheavals and a state of emergency. Both of us activists from our youth. (That’s how we actually met!).
With several friends who were rather subversive types, we decided we would discover how to be biblically faithful, while being politically involved in the diverse struggles of the mass democratic movement at the time. So we prayed, studied the bible, engaged in community struggles of diverse sorts. I realised my theological base was rather weak to sustain the challenge of holding together a community of committed Christians looking to make sense of their faith in a revolutionary context

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