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Ps. P. Mathane (Host) |
DATE: 11 July 2010: TIME: 9:30 (starting with intercession)
Phillemon Mathane is the Pioneer and Founder of Eagles of Faith Christian Fellowship in Pretoria, Akasia (visit Eagles of Faith at www.eaglesoffaith.co.za). The man of God is married to Lebo; and they are blessed with a baby girl, Ofentswe.
His assignment is to birth a contingent of matured and multi-gifted Apostolic Eagles who will even advance the Kingdom of God in every sphere of what he calls “The Market Place Temple”. This “temple” includes a myriad of spheres and domains such as business, government, politics, arts science and technology, media, sports, entertainment, etc. He believes that a true end time apostolic grace and ministry transcends beyond the four corners of a local church. He believes that until the church produce these ‘eagles type’ in greater supply of quality and quantity, the anticipated plan of God to restore the wealth of nations into the hands of the church will for a while remain suspended. You and I, properly trained and positioned by God, are that generation!
Besides church ministry, his professional skills and interests include: strategic planning, financial management and reporting, project management, corporate governance, programme/project monitoring and evaluation, leadership training & development.
Luke 22:31-32 “And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
Friends, the portion of scripture quoted above is a clear cut demonstration of who satan is and what his plans and intensions are about humanity. Jesus calls Simon twice. This is important. Whenever the Lord calls or mentions one thing more than once, He is calling for our double attention. He cautions Simon of the desires of satan. My friend, I wish to remind you that in as much as God has plans for your life; satan does have counter plans. The Bible describes him as the enemy, your adversary, the accuser of brethren. John 10:10 reminds us that he is a thief, killer and destroyer.
Simon was to be sifted. Imagine! That means to be pulled out; without being tender, but using force and aggression. Simon was grounded in faith; and satan did not like this, hence he wanted to pull him (Simon) out of faith. How do we know that? Listen to the prayer of Jesus: ....But I prayed ....that thy faith fail not!
Satan wants to sift your marriage. Satan wants to sift your business out. Satan wants to kill your ambitions to serve God. Thank God for the prayer of Jesus. I conclude this matter like Jesus. I pray that you be grounded in faith; that your wealth will remain intact; that your marriage will stand the tests of satan; that your husband will return home; that your wife will finally see the light of salvation. I pray for a return and restoration of an evergreen faith in your life. In Jesus’ name.
Dear Lord Jesus I come to you this day with great thanksgiving and joy, knowing that my life in your caring hands. I thank you that You have prayed for me, and today is the best day of my life. Thank you Lord. Amen
Pastor. P. Mathane
Luke 22:32 “and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.... [kjv]
Child of God, what is the purpose of you being converted? This sounds like a rhetoric question, but it begs some reflection. Romans 2:23 teach us that all of us had sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. Conversion, or being born again came as a gift; not our hard work. Jesus is talking to Peter (whom he at some point refers to as “The Rock”, meaning the strong one), cautioning that when he is strong, he should take it upon himself to strengthen others. We live in days where criticism is the order of the day. At home, at work, at church, at school, in ministry, in business, etc – we become punching bags through criticism. Those that have made it in life do not have space for those that are still trying to make ends meet. Those that are “strong” use every opportunity to deplete the strength from the weak. But Jesus purposed that the strong transfer hope to the weak.
In life, we need to be aware that we cannot be showered with praise every day. We should be ready to handle criticism; especially from brethren. I leave you with these words: Receive those that are weak in faith Romans 14:1; because by the same measure that you judge them; the Father will judge you too Mathew 7:2.The purpose of being converted is to transmit the same conversion power to others. May we do the same!
Let’s Pray
Father, forgive me for being judgemental to those that are struggling in faith; because I am today standing because of Your Grace. Use me as an instrument of restoration. Help me to stop criticising those that are struggling in faith. I would rather pray for them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor. P. Mathane
Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer
Many of us are going through afflictions at this moment. In fact, it is unusual for the righteous not to go through afflictions Psalms 34:19. Note these: Jesus went through afflictions at Gethsemane Mark 14; even at the cross John 17. Job also went through afflictions when he lost everything he had Job 1. What about Moses, who suffered afflictions in the wilderness for 40 years see Exodus 32:32.
Even great people cannot escape afflictions. Being triumphant is an outcome of being focussed, relentless and patient in the face of adversity. Success is no accident. We need to learn to be patient in afflictions. What is the purpose of patience if there are no afflictions? Some afflictions are a result of our own doing. Others are just outcomes of not so wise decision making. The latter requires repentance and wisdom.
There are afflictions that are permitted (allowed) by God. With those, God is testing us (not tempting us). The greater these tests, the greater the anointing to be released upon us if we remain patient to the end.
Let’s Pray
Father, here is your child going through afflictions. H/she has just lost a job, a wife, a family member, even a bread-winner. One has already received a letter of retrenchment this month. Another has received summons this week. Another is just about to lose a house and car through bank repossession. A pastor has just read these; and his church is just about to collapse. He feels betrayed by some of his leadership. I pray that these afflictions become channels of coming closer to you; let this be a moment of breaking an alabaster box at your feet.
Pastor. P. Mathane
John 5: 15 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”.
Friends, this is one of those scriptures where Jesus reveals His identity. In His identity we see what He is capable of doing for us. Interesting enough, it is in the same scripture that Jesus chooses to reveal our identity as well (branches).
He is saying to us that we are His extension. That is why we can do what ever He was able to do; even greater works. Apart from being powered to do greater things, when we are in Him, we do not only bear fruit, but much fruit – note the distinction!.
A slight departure from the vine renders us unproductive – it does not matter who we are. Jesus also cautions us that apart from Him, no branch can bear fruit. Branches feed from the source, not the other way round. As I am about to pray, please remember that positioning is the key thing. Branches that are disconnected from the source will talk rumour about God. They talk about God. But those that are connected to the Lord talk FOR HIM, not just about Him.
Let’s pray
Father, we want to bear much fruit. We want to do greater works. We repent from being braches that seek independence from the Head Office – Jesus Christ. We reconnect to you; because outside you we cannot heal; we cannot prosper and we cannot do anything! Accept us as we come back to you in repentance. Thank You Jesus, Amen.
Pastor. P. Mathane
2 Corinthians 9: 11 ‘You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.’
A lot of us want to be rich. This is a good desire – nothing wrong with it. However, the process is much more important than the product. If you know how you got there, you can repeat it. But the scripture says you will be made...
In other words, whatever we are rich in, let God be the author. This is important because God is the source that never runs dry. So, even if my richness can be depleted by some accident today, it will only be a matter of time for it to be restored – if God is the source! Be made rich, do not (try) make yourself.
The second key is the purpose of being made rich – so that I can be generous. How often? On every occasion. This is a challenge to me. It says that there is no ceiling to being generous in as much as there is no ceiling to being made rich. Hallelujah.
May God enrich you with joy; so that you can be generous in showing joy. May God enrich you with love; so that you can love lots. May God enrich you with patience; so that you can be patient in unlimited ways. Amen
Pastor. P. mathane
Psalm 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favour and honour; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.
When we cry to the Lord, He hears and he answers. David the Psalmist is one of the men who walked with God in a special way. Like sun which does withhold its light, surely the Lord does not hold back good things from those who walk blamelessly before Him.
There are things that we do not deserve in life. We have them still. Why? The Lord favours and honour us – period!. He is honouring our walk with Him.
My fried, do not give us. Just concentrate on aligning your walk with Him – the rest will be counted as history.
Let’s pray
Father, here is a friend who is walking blameless before you. Remember the seed s/he sows for your work. Remember the work of preaching salvation that s/he does. Do not forget their acts of mercy and compassion. My Lord, withhold not anything good they ask from you! As you bless them, help them to align their walks with yours. Order their steps. Guide them to the ways of righteousness. Lead them Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen
Pastor. P.Mathane
Deuteronomy 1:21 'See, the LORD your God has placed the land before you; go up, take possession, as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has spoken to you. Do not fear or be dismayed.’
I feel a need to dispense a prophetic word to you today. The Lord is ready to do something for you in the course of this week. There is urgency in the spirit for you to cross to another level, another dimension. Look, the Lord has heard your cry for possession. He is releasing a key, because without a key, there won’t be a possession.
The first thing is eyesight. The Lord is saying first you must see it. Open your eyes and look. What you need has been placed before you – it is not behind. In other words, the Lord is saying forget the past and pursue what is in front of you. If you possess what is behind you, you are not of the future; you are a ghost.
It is before you: your job; your new business deal; your healing. Take possession. The job of the Lord id to place it, you must possess it. I feel the anointing of possessing right now. Father, I release the anointing for possession this week to your people, in the name of Jesus. Possess, yes, possess. In Jesus name.
Let’s Pray
Father God, thank you for your word that has been spoken over me today. I receive the anointing that has been released into my life. Thank you for a better life ahead of me. Amen.
Pastor. P. Mathane