MVK Zone Devotionalist - Bishop TI Mthimkhulu - Koinonia Bible Church - Sebokeng - RSA

Bishop. TI. Mthimkhulu
Bishop. Isaac T. Mthimkulu is the senior Pastor of Koinonia Bible Church in Zone 14 Sebokeng,  RSA since 1991. He is also the Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of The world [PAW] in South Africa, and he oversees 7 Churches affiliated with Koinonia Bible Church. Bishop Mthimkulu is a mentor to 12 other Pastors across the country. He is currently the Chairperson of Ecclesia Pastoral Leadership Forum which is a fraternal of 30 pastors in Sedibeng.
Besides preaching internationally, he is also the Director of MEN ON TRACK, a men’s forum that motivates and mentors men through workshops and conferences. He received a citation from the City of Boston [USA] in acknowledgement of the Community work done by Koinonia Bible Church in 2001.He is happily married to Veronica for 21 years and are blessed with the only daughter, Jessica. His passion is to see people come to know and accept the grace of God revealed through the Lord Jesus Christ
                                      Church Address: Koinonia Bible Church - 21094 Zone 14 - Sebokeng - RSA  
                                      Tel: +2716 592-2598 - E-mail:  
                                      Services: Wednesday: 10h00-12h00 - Sunday :  08h00-10h30


Day 1
Learn to Seek First the kingdom of God
Have you ever heard the phrase first things first? It is a phrase concerned with orderliness and being principled. If ever there was anything that had to come first in your life, what would that be?  I can hear different answers like money, education, family, car etc. Listen to the command that Jesus gave to his disciples:” Seek First the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and the rest shall be added unto you”. Matthew 6:33
The key to receiving the things we so desire in life, is first seeking the idea of the creator about us and the very things we wish for. Seeking the Kingdom of God means the following:
              1. Worshipping and acknowledging God as the creator of all.
              2. Aligning ourselves to his laws and principles that govern life.
 The beauty of following the stipulations and the righteousness of his kingdom is that all other things will fall in place. We will know how to use and dispense of those things he gave to us. We will not worship, abuse and misuse the blessings he bring our way. You can be assured of His protection and care when you live as a kingdom person
Let us pray:
Father as I begin this day, reveal thy will and plans for my life through your word and the Holy Spirit. I desire to honour and obey you. You come first in my life. I also thank you for every blessing and promise you have for me in this day. Use me to bring joy, truth and your will to others. I thank you in the Name of Jesus. Amen
Day 2
Living a Purpose driven life Jeremiah 1: 3-10
The second crucial aspect about life  is understanding that God has put purpose upon all his creation. You were born for a reason and a unique purpose here on earth. This also means that the time, the place, the family, the race in which you were born, was by divine design. God’s purpose about your life is so special that it is hid with him (Prov. 25:2)
This brings us to the importance of walking with God and serving Him. It is in his presence that purpose is discovered. Purpose is also discovered in the process of serving others. David discovered his purpose whilst serving his father, Peter whilst fishing, Elisha whilst working in the field, Matthew at the revenue office, Nehemiah at the king’ service and you will discover yours in the line of duty. You must work, think an plan as a person of purpose.
When you stand up every morning, remember that the uniqueness in your voice, finger prints and your eyes testify to the fact that nobody in this world of just over 6 billion people is like you. The tragedy will be for the king in you to die a servant, the musician in you to age a fan, the scientist in you to buried an experiment or a politician in you to perish a mere citizen.  
Father, help me not to stray away from the purpose for which you have created me. I commit every step of my life to your will as the God who has ordered my steps. I believe that your plans for my life are great and profound. Guide me each day to the land of promise and reason for my existence, Amen.

Day 3
Hard Work rewards Eccle 9: 10-11
Things of great worth in life are never found just laying at a street corner to be picked up by anybody. Anything worthwhile will require digging if it is a precious stone, studying if it be a degree,  rehearsing if it be an act, hard work if it be a business, training if it be a sport, sharpening and improving it be a skill, gaining supporters if it be politics and finding buyers if it be marketing. I often hear people say don’t work hard, only work smart. Yes you can work hard and not be smart, but there is no working smart without working hard.
If you find something good and worth working upon, do it with all thy might. Love doing it, give it your best shot and maximise your time doing it. Best results are not accidental but come with determination and dedication.
Poverty and laziness are close cousins, twins of struggle and go hand in glove.( Prov 6:10) . God has promised to bless the works of your hands, don’t fold them, He has promised to multiply your seed, sow it and he has promised to give you power to create wealth, use it. Whatever your hands findeth to do,  then do it with all your might.

Day 4 Don’t Quit: Phil 1:6
In this world of quick results and micro-oven solutions, people of great endurance are getting fewer each day. We are the make-it-quick, get-it- quick and the get-me-there-fast, generation. The result of this is a generation of quitters.  There is a misconception even amongst Christians that whatever you want, God can deliver it now. Any delays work on our nerves and then we quit.
One of the encouraging traits of the God in whose image were created, is that whatever he has begun, he will finish. It must then be also in us not to leave things undone.  No matter what the challenge may be, the delay or the difficulty, just don’t quit doing what is right in God’s sight. Don’t quit following Jesus, on your studies, your business, your vision, your marriage,  your family, on integrity and showing the love of God to others.
Lord I come to you for strength and courage to go on. Help to be unfazed by struggles and challenges. I desire to accomplish every assignment of goodwill placed upon my life. I thank you for times of refreshing everyday. Amen

 Day 5 Live By faith 
Gal 3:11: Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous will live by faith. niv
Romans 1:17… the righteous will live by faith. [niv]
Habakkuk  2:4 but the righteous will live by his faith. [niv]

Faith is simply believing God’s promises and expecting them to come to fulfilment in your life. For us who have believed in salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ whom we never saw but accepted the reality of what he has done for us, faith then becomes an ongoing journey.  Faith also comes by hearing and knowing what God promised in his word. Romans 10:17….. faith comes from hearing the message… [niv]
The importance of faith is that it pleases God (Heb 11:6) and strengthens every aspect of our Christian walk. It will improve your prayer life, your boldness in walking with God, your giving, sharing your faith with others, becoming an over comer and being productive in life.
Your life was changed by faith in Jesus Christ, you have believed, now continue to live by faith because the just shall live. Increase your level of faith by studying the word of God and discovering the great things he already has released in your favour. Grow in faith and not be counted amongst the “ye men of little faith”

Father in Heaven I receive your reviving word today. I give myself back to the Holy Spirit of faith. Holy Spirit please help me to be a believer in all the works that God wants to perform in my life from this day. Spirit of faith please fill my heart with your power. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

Day 6 Share your faith with others 
Acts 1:8   Matthew 28: 19  Mark 16:15
The primary reason for our existence as Christians is to share our faith in Christ with others. That is why we are called witnesses, the salt of the earth, the body of Christ, the light put on the table to shine for all and ambassadors of the kingdom. These are not just religious titles but powerful reminders of the assignment God has put upon our shoulders. This is something you need not be ashamed to do (Romans 1:16) because it is the only truth that can bring others to God.
Sharing your faith must be life style and should be done strategically and wisely. Always think about people in your sphere of influence who have not yet experienced the saving grace of God eg. friends, family, neighbours or colleagues. The joy of leading a soul to Christ is great in heaven (Luke 15: 7, 10, 32) and God promises to make those who led many to righteousness to shine like stars in his kingdom.
Make use of your airtime, face book, twitter and all means possible to share God’s goodness with others.
Lord I desire to be fruitful in your Kingdom and bring others to you. Holy Spirit lead me to men and women who are ready to listen and are a ripe harvest for your word. Thank you for saving me and entrusting me with the commission to bring others to you. Amen.

This entry was posted on Saturday, June 26, 2010 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .



Very Powerful, straight to the point, word of God. Thank u Bishop


My pastor. This is still relevant today and I will keep it with me to carry me through 2014. Hope you and family are great! Maseabi

Bishop your message and ministry follow all the basic principles that is the Heart of our Father, the men's ministry "Men on Track" is needed in today's times and we would like to encourage the movement to reach out into our beloved country as "Becoming Kingdom Citizens", men and woman need to fulfill their generational inheritance towards the Kingdom that are in our hands, changing communities ward by ward before the elections to focus on ownership of our beloved country without political in-balances so that God's People can get into Godly Government by 2019, this can only be achieved with Godly wisdom. Your community servant with all the tools to achieve the goal even with a community banking platform to bring back the resources to the Apostles as in the days of Acts 4, we can pray together, break bread from house to house, we can own everything in common and no one is in need. Louis Gerber.

That is very powerful and detailed Ntate Moruti. Morena Modimo will continue to you hobane o batlana le se kgahlang mahlo a Morena.