The writer of Proverbs says: “Iron sharpens iron, one man’s face is made wise by another.”
The writer of Ecclesiastes says: “Two are better than one, better still, a cord of three is not easily broken.”
What is an ‘accountability’ relationship? What does it look like?
Who is in it? You and one or two or three believers. You and ---
A person or persons to meet with at regularly observed times, say once a week.
A or persons to help keep you in line with your spiritual fidelity and intimacy with God.
A person or persons who are mature.
A person, persons dedicated to your progress.
A person or persons to ask, demand ruthless introspection.
A person or persons who have been granted authority by you to remove the masks of your soul.
A person or persons to make you aspire for excellence in all segments of your being.
A person or persons to covenant with to be absolutely sincere and truthful, even when it agonizes to do so.
A person who will sit with you face to face and hands with hands, and demand to look into your eyes.
A person or persons who will be the instruments of God to minister to you.
A person or persons who will help steer you away from your blind spots.
A person or persons who would be called upon to reprove, rebuke and ask for deeper motives that drive you.
A person or persons to pray and intercede for you.
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