This Weeks Devotionals - Pastor Mazwe Majola - Soweto - RSA

Mazwe Majola holds numerous qualifications including a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Preston University in USA, a Master of Philosophy (Mphil) in Business Ethics from Pretoria University, a Master of Commerce (Mcom) in Strategy and Organizational Dynamics from University of Natal, Executive Development Program (EDP) from Manchester Business School (Manchester University), Licentiate in Theology (LTH) from George Whitefield College, Bachelor of Theology (BA Hons) from Potchefstroom University and various Leadership Development Programmes from Local and International Institutions. Mazwe is currently busy with his PHD in Leadership Studies and Political Economy at University of KwaZulu-Natal. His research areas and interests include, Leadership, Strategy, Systems Thinking, Chaos theory and Complexity theoryMinistry Experience: Mazwe Majola graduated from GWC in 1995 and has been in ministry for the last 13 years. He is the Senior Pastor at Sobantu Communty Church. He is an invited guest preacher and speaker for many different churches and organizations both locally and internationally. He conducts seminars for business executives and provides motivational talks for youth and business leaders.
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I am a Property of Jesus - Part 4 - Dr. Charles Mahlangu

Dr. Charles Mahlangu
Fake spectacular sights and visions of celestial beings
(who can repudiate your reports?)
Fake the presence of the Lord
(no one can fully explain the phenomenon
nor theologically refute it
Christians will love every moment of it)
Fake personal confrontations you have had
With God, Christ, the devil and demons
(You will be revered among the believers
As the spectacularly gifted one.
You will become an instant star based
on what you verbally claim!)
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I am a Property of Jesus - Part 3 - Dr. Charles Mahlangu

The believer dichotomizes the requirement of the Word
With the actual experience in life.
The believer creates their own environment of "Spirituality"
Which will not be questioned by the Word of God
Or the Christian community.
This denial of sin perpetrated in wilful disobedience
Is sublimated with their own feelings
Of perceived blessings
Of revelations
Of special encounters with the Lord
Of special feelings engendered
During the so-called reading and hearing
Of the Word of God!
When they personalize this intimacy with God with
"The Lord showed me"
"The Spirit told me"
"I felt his power this morning . . ."
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I am a Property of Jesus - Part 2 - Dr. Charles Mahlangu

(My condition caused by my thoughts precisely)
So long as the sin remains unsettled
unresolved unconfessed genuinely
The condition of stark blindness exists.
What happens when he reads the Word
As I dutifully religiously did for years?
False assessment!
Imprecise logical preoccupation with truth.
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I am a Property of Jesus - Dr. Charles Mahlangu

How, for years could I read Romans:

Charles Mahlangu
"Don't be conformed to this world
Be transformed with the renewing of your mind
So that you understand what is the
Good acceptable will of God?
Don't be conformed?
Be transformed?
Be renewed in your minds routinely?
These are not theoretical constructs
They are active
They are prescriptive
They are to be experienced in the real life!
Yet I read the words in chapter twelve for years
With an tragically closed mind
Doomed to be complacent and "blessed!"
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I believe in an Existent God - Part 1

We live in a generation that has lost ‘touch’ with the things of God. The only things people know about God is that He ‘claims’ to have created the heavens and the earth. He ‘supposedly’ owns every thing we see around us and that He knows us all by our first names. That’s all. Oh, I almost forgot number four, He wants us to live good lives and He makes sure that all the bad guys go to hell when they die. In all honesty if this is all the reality that is about God no wonder not many people are following Him.
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Why I Think Some Marriages Fail Despite All Good Efforts To make Them Work - Part 9

One thing that constantly nag me as I write these articles is that I am aware of the generation gap between me and 99% of my audience. These are people who take me for an old timer who is oblivious to the "latest " facts of life and who failed to not transform. And this is far from the truth' because when I got married back on the 28th November 1982 I thought we were the sophisticated generation back then. I thought that our marriages were that different from our parents, but on closer inspection the only true and evident difference was that our wives could wear slacks when my mother and her generation could not and that was just about the only true difference. otherwise everything else remained unchanged. Now today 28 years after when I look at my daughter and Joyce that gap has been closed and everything else remains unchanged. The principles that governed my parents marriage govern mine and still stand to govern my kids'.

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