PSASA is the professional association for speakers. It is the place to meet with and learn from some of the best. PSASA is an accredited member of the global National Speakers Association (NSA) and is the eighth full member of the Global Speakers Federation(GSF). PSASA is a professional association for people involved in the speaking business. We consider “speaker” to include trainers, facilitators, coaches, consultants, adult educators, and keynoters. Our members are versatile and diverse. They represent all aspects of the speaking business. All make their living, or part of their living, speaking to and/or working with groups as trainers, facilitators, coaches, consultants, adult educators, and keynoters.
PSASA is committed to building a better future for the professional speaking business in South Africa. We help our members succeed in their speaking businesses through learning partnerships, market development and professional accreditation. We also support international advancement of the speaking profession through our participation in and support for the International Federation for Professional Speakers (IFPPS)
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Herewith my updated profiles as it now appears in PSASA web site
In order to appreciate this man one has to actually sit and hear him speak. Rev. Montoedi Kotu is a proficient and a seasoned public speaker with 23 years of speaking experience. All these years he has been restricting his speaking engagements to Churches only across the country and the SADC. Now he is ready to face the world at large.
Montoedi’s personal life experiences and his Inspirational, and daring approach to life’s challenges can be read from his blog; This blog is a must for all to read.
He uses the simplest yet daring approach to challenges that people face on a daily basis. He is the senior Pastor of The Freeway Tabernacle, A growing Church based in Soweto, now the second largest congregation in the city with no less than 2800 members in attendance every Sunday morning. Born in Soweto, he grew up and attended school in the township. He presently holds a Masters degree in Theology, (M.Th) a Bachelors degree with honours in Architectural Drafting. B.Draft. (Hons) and an Associate degree in Interior Design. (AA) He is a registered professional Architect with The South African Council of The Architectural Profession (SACAP) He is currently studying for a Doctor of Theology (Th.d) He is the founder of Reach Out for Christ Ministries International, a family of Churches in South Africa. He is the CEO of MVK Architectural services. He conducts monthly Marriage Enhancement seminars called “Family Matters” attended by hundreds of couples, the engaged, and the divorced. His latest workshop results can also be read on the same blog and the Power Point slides of the latest seminars are available on
He is a scuba diver, Mountain backpacking hiker and a biker who belongs to his own one man Club that he calls “The lone rider” He enjoys riding his 1800cc Boulevard cruiser alone. His reason for being the sole member of the biking club in his own words is “so I can be the Club President for life” He is a registered member of the Herpetological Association of Africa (HAA). And believe it or not but Montoedi is also a snake handler registered with the Gauteng Department of Agriculture Conservation and Environment (GDACE) to remove problematic wild animals.
When Montoedi came to start a Church in a township called Chiawelo, in Soweto 25 years ago he decided that he was going to put up a Church building with his own hands, and against all odds he did this by constructing a 1200 square meters building with offices, and this became the first non denominational Church structure in Soweto. It took him 8 yrs to build it debt free.
In his own words he says about himself and about the things he likes;
“The animals I like the most are the Black Mamba; The Cape Buffalo; and the Honey Badger. The Black Mamba is a very shy snake by nature. It normally flees from humans before it can be seen. But when cornered the mamba will stand its ground with fierce aggression. I like its nervousness yet bold retaliation. Adults grow to about 3-4 meters and its venom is Neurotoxic (which means it attacks the nervous system). I admire the Cape buffalo; they always stick together and defend each other with extreme confidence, even in the face of obvious defeat. The Cape buffalo is definitely not easy meat. When Lions go ‘shopping’ for these formidable animals I imagine that they tell their families: "I will see you if I come back". The honey badger is simply the most fearless of all animals. I enjoy the company of young people and I just love snakes” If you need to inspired then this is your man! His slogan for life is ‘Believe, Become, Be alive’