Roving through Psalm 119
These lovers are controlled by the Word of God for the law is the Word of God. The testimonies are the word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The statues are the Word of God. The commandments are the Word of God. The lovers must obey the Word of God in this marriage. [1-8]. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely on for success in their marriage.
The lovers are convinced the Word of God alone is sufficient authority for what constitute purity, godliness, and holiness. However, the hearts of the spouses must be constantly saturated with the counsel of God. These spouses must come up with creative ways to make the Word of God invade this marriage through their lives. The lovers must make the Word of God absolute source of reference for all issues they face in their marriage. If the Word of God is the defensive capability. The lovers are committed to put the instructions of the Word of God in all areas of life. The lovers are resounding with praises to God since they find ways to delight in God. Since they find ways to put obedience of this Word of God in their marriage. The lovers have committed themselves to seek God, to fix their hearts to fulfil his ways. After all, testimonies, the laws, the precepts, the Word, the rules, the commandments all describe the Word of God. The lovers must not forget to obey the Word of God in this marriage.
The lovers submit themselves to pursue the purposes of God in their marriage. May God be merciful as they seek to find out what God would have them do. How they long to be consumed with a holy passion: longing for the Word of God to rule at all times in this marriage. How can this not be a source for great outpourings of praise and worship?
The lovers will individually and jointly mediate diligently on the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The commandments are the Word of God. The testimonies are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The lovers express that the scripture is the ultimate source of delight for the Word of God is the counsellor. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers depend on for marital success.
The lovers cry out to God. Cause us to understand your Word. Cause sorrow to melt as the joy of the Lord becomes our strength. Cause us not to cease to find fulfilment in meditating on your Word. Cause us to avoid the entrapment as we seek you with all our hearts. The statues, the precepts, the law, the rules, the testimonies, and the commands, all describe the Word of God to be obeyed in the marriage.
The lovers’ direct prayer of intention: Help us grasp your revealed truth then we will make our marriage a miracle to be shared.
Where you illuminate your Word to us, we will observe it with our hearts. Confirm your promises. We will continue to be doers of the Word in our marriage. Statues, law, commandment, testimonies, rules and precepts refer to the Word of God to be obeyed in different contexts. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers depend upon for marital success.
The lovers trust the unfailing love of God. Termites will not overcome conflicts multiplied will only intensify steadfastness in God’s sovereignty. The lovers promise to obey the law forever and ever. The lovers pledge to glorify God to sing his praises to other. The lovers pledge to meditate on the Word of God. The lovers pledge to share with others the steadfastness of the lord which never ceases. The rules refer to the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precept refers to the Word of God. The testimonies tell of the Word of God. The commandments are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. With resources like this how could the lovers be insecure in their marriage? Meditation is intense intercession that the lovers depend upon for marital success.
The two lovers articulate the promises of God. The lovers express fervent hope in the faithfulness of God. Whatever conflicts or challenges or fears they come across in their marriage, they will be shielded by the presence of the God whose Word they always obey. So great is their confidence that they break into worshipping the God they constantly submit to. The lovers are driven
The lovers find their joy in obeying God in their marriage. The lovers’ delight for God is a source to delight in each other. It is precisely the love for God that enables them to draw on the divine resources to invest in their intimacy.
The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely on to live on marital success.
The lovers make an abiding promise to live to obey the Word of God in this marriage. The lovers express their attitude of prompt obedience. They acknowledge the need to avoid entrapments in their walk and marriage.
The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The lovers will rejoice in the Lord. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success.
The lovers acknowledge all things work together for good even testing and afflictions are a source of drawing upon the promises of God. The lovers acknowledge that the challenges encountered in marriage only compound the resolve to make the word of God more valuable than gold and silver.
The commandments are the Word of God. The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success.
The lovers acknowledge the sovereignty of God in their lives and marriage. The lovers exult over the faithfulness of God. The law of God is the delight of lovers committed to walking with God.
The commandments are the Word of God. The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The testimonies are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success.
The lovers look up to God during severe catastrophes. As spouses in the relationship, the lovers are determined to endure hardship. For the joy of the Lord is their strength. The lovers pray for strength from above to be consistent to obey God at all times.
The commandments are the Word of God. The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The testimonies are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success.
The lovers firmly believe the faithfulness of God which endures forever, will make their marriage fulfil God’s intent. The lovers firmly believe that it is obeying the Word of God which establishes the marriage. The lovers pledge to themselves and to God that they will never wilfully disobey God in this marriage.
The commandments are the Word of God. The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The testimonies are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success.
The lovers express that to love God with all of one’s being means to be in love with God’s Word, to let the counsel of God permeate all of one’s being. The lovers commit themselves to purity. “I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep your Word…”
The commandments are the Word of God. The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The testimonies are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success. To be Continued...