During our conversation with them earlier we never spoke about any of the things that we experienced at house number 1099. They were also not aware of who the owner of the house was, even though he was a member of our Church. The gentleman stood there at the front door and told us that he was seeing a group of people walking around the property dressed in the traditional attire that was the exact attire worn by the tribe of the house owner. He further told us that there was a war taking place in this house because the man’s family was not happy that he bought that house for his wife. So this was the reason why they ran away from the house, they could not stand these attacks. I related our experience to him but he gave us the assurance that we were actually stronger than those spirits and this boosted our faith and we were happy that they came. When they left we were very excited and spoke more about the matter, confessing our faith in God’s word and telling satan that we were not afraid. We went to bed feeling great that night.
One Sunday afternoon when we came back from Church we found that almost all the glassware in our wall unit display were smashed to pieces but the glass doors themselves were never touched. This was the devils way of trying to steal our faith in God. Once more we confirmed our faith in God’s unfailing word by telling the devil what we thought about him and his lousy tricks. What satan did not realize was that by this time our faith was strengthened more by his challenges than by the word we read. We began to identify with every word in the Bible that said God’s children were superior to satan. One scripture that really ministered to me back then and still does is Psalm 8:4 which says in my own words “what is man that your mind is so full of Him, the son of man that you care for him? Then it says ‘you have made him a little lower than the angels yet you have crowned him with Glory and honour. You made him boss over the works of your hands and you have put all things under his feet”
I still believe this scripture whole heartedly. You never forget the things that work for you. I would go around the house confessing: “devil I may be a little lower than you because you are an angel but God has crowned me with Glory and has put you under my feet”
Joyce and I used to be ‘crazy’ back then we prayed over olive oil and smeared it on the door posts like they did with the blood of the lamb on the night God smote every first born of the Egyptians. One day we took all our shoes and under them we wrote the statement: “satan is under my feet”. We also wrote it everywhere we could. Sometimes it takes that level of craziness in the things of God just to get one demon off your back. I also used to pray quoting from the book of Job that “devil God may have allowed you to touch all that I have, but He will never allow you to lay your hand on me and my household” it was during that time that I decided that I will never use capital letters to write satan, devil, or demon. I wanted the devil to know that I despised him through and through.
One thing I wish to highlight is that most Christians fail because they waste their time trying to figure out what is not their part in their fight against satan. The bible states clearly in the book of James 4:7 that “submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” if you read this scripture clearly you will have no reason to panic when facing demonic powers or their father satan. This scripture says two things to me. One, it says that I must submit myself to God, and two, I must resist the devil. These are the only two things I need to worry about. The third statement is not directed to me in anyway. This is the devil’s part, he must do it. The portion “and he will flee from you” is for satan to do, not me. So we learnt at house number 1099 that sometimes satan forgets his part, and this had no impact on us at all. We were submitted to God and we resisted the devil, he forgot or ignored his part and this never worried us at all. Most people do the same things we did but then when satan does not flee they do it for him. This changes the manifestation of the word altogether. It ends up sounding like: “submit yourself to God, Resist the devil and flee from him.” The truth is that satan has seen so many folks do it right but just not bold enough to stand their ground and he knows that he has no power over us, were are the ones who seem to question it.
We were in the kitchen one evening with Joyce, she was cooking and I was standing there chatting to her. We had pots with glass lids on top of the kitchen units. The pots lids just exploded with a loud bang and there was broken glass everywhere. And guess what? We stood there and laughed it off. What we realized was that whatever was in that house was afraid to touch us because were somehow untouchable, so it resorted to trying to scare us by breaking things around the house. We cleaned up the broken glass, finished cooking our dinner, dished up and enjoyed our meal. There was no way we were going to run. We had no place to go to and house number 1099 was going to be our home until we got our finances in order. Being a coward does not glorify God at all. Our father has never given anyone in this whole universe the power to hurt us. Joyce and I still believe it up to this day.
To be continued. MVK