The first man and generation in the bible to live by written polices is Moses and his generation. All past generations before them lived by faith in what God said. They held God’s spoken word as scarce as it was in very high esteem. It is obvious that those guys had more faith simply based on their desire to become what God promised them. We on the other hand have all these testimonies and written formulas of success yet we struggle more than them. Therefore my main reason for not making too many scripture references even in my preaching at Church is simply that you should learn to believe the little that you hear. Romans 10:17 says ‘faith comes by hearing…’
The truth is that there is actually someone who owns the sun, and not only does he own the sun He owns the air we breathe as well and the rain, the grass, the sea and everything else that we found on earth. And that person is none other than God. Just be honest and try to think as hard as you can. Why does God give us these things and what is He getting in return? The answer is found in 2 Corinthians 9:7 ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ James 1:17 ‘every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above’ 1 Timothy 6:17 ‘God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment’ these three scriptures spells it out loud and clear that God expects absolutely nothing in return for the things He gives us. In fact it looks like God is more interested in making us happy than anything else. Look at the beaches He created and never uses. What kind of Character do you think God is? Very extraordinary hey! I believe that too. My first step towards my giving was in pursuit of that God feeling. I wanted to give and give and give without ever expecting anything in return until I felt like God does when He keeps doing it and just derives pleasure from seeing the many smiles he puts on different faces every day. I have been doing this from the very first gift, tithe and offering that I gave. Not once did I give expecting to receive and just like God I ended up with abundance in every thing. I know that what I’m saying goes against your religious grain but I really don’t care at all because what I’m sharing with you here is my personal revelation that has made me better than my peers both in and outside Church circles. I can’t think of something I desired that I never had. And believe it or not I have never prayed about my needs at all. All I have just been doing was give my way through all my needs and feeling good about it. After many years of doing this I finally achieved that very rare state of being and I can only describe it as the God feeling. Try it, there is nothing like it in this whole world. MVK