What Popular Christmas Song was Written for Thanksgiving?
"Jingle Bells" was written in 1857 by James Pierpont (1822-1893) to be sung at a Thanksgiving program at his Unitarian church in Savannah, Georgia. It was originally titled "One Horse Open Sleigh." The performance was repeated at Christmas.
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These complaints are of the sort that make Will and Guy laugh, sometime out loud. You just couldn't make them up; yet, on the other hand the things that people moan about are unbelievable.
1. A small deer came into my camp and stole my bag of pickles. Is there a way I can get reimbursed?
2. Escalators would help on steep uphill sections.
3. Trails need to be wider so people can walk while holding hands.
4. Found a smouldering cigarette left by a horse.
5. Trails need to be reconstructed. Please avoid building trails that go uphill.
6. Too many bugs and leeches and spiders and spider webs. Please spray the wilderness to rid the area of these pests.
7. Chairlifts need to be in some places so that we can get to wonderful views without having to hike to them.
8. The coyotes made too much noise last night and kept me awake. Please eradicate these annoying animals.
9. Need more signs to keep area pristine.
10. A McDonald's would be nice at the trailhead.
11. Too many rocks in the mountains.
12. The places where trails do not exist are not well marked
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Being tempted to exercise their "democratic rights"
As in the pre-conversion days
Paul charged them with a shock!
Do you not know that your members of the body
Belong to someone else now
And that when you became Christians
You become one with him?
How then can you take the physical members
(Belonging to the new master)
To fornicate with temple prostitutes?
(Just as you routinely did in your pre-conversion days
Of spiritual blindness)?
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Have given me the excuse to sink to such
A level of depraved bitterness and hatred?
I hate those other brothers so much
I have to pretend when I greet them
I hate what I have become.
Given the demands for routine every day Christianity
"The Lord has created a hunger for reconciliation"
The word of God is amazingly comprehensive
Even when it is tough!
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"Are you covenanting today to live for Him?"
We are witnesses today that we really serve the Lord.
I tell you that on the basis of what you performed
Throughout the years of leading you as a nation
You will fail to keep your promise
You will surely be judged severely for all nations to see.
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Dr. Charles Mahlangu |
(who can repudiate your reports?)
Fake the presence of the Lord
(no one can fully explain the phenomenon
nor theologically refute it
Christians will love every moment of it)
Fake personal confrontations you have had
With God, Christ, the devil and demons
(You will be revered among the believers
As the spectacularly gifted one.
You will become an instant star based
on what you verbally claim!)
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The believer dichotomizes the requirement of the Word
With the actual experience in life.
The believer creates their own environment of "Spirituality"
Which will not be questioned by the Word of God
Or the Christian community.
This denial of sin perpetrated in wilful disobedience
Is sublimated with their own feelings
Of perceived blessings
Of revelations
Of special encounters with the Lord
Of special feelings engendered
During the so-called reading and hearing
Of the Word of God!
When they personalize this intimacy with God with
"The Lord showed me"
"The Spirit told me"
"I felt his power this morning . . ."
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(My condition caused by my thoughts precisely)
So long as the sin remains unsettled
unresolved unconfessed genuinely
The condition of stark blindness exists.
What happens when he reads the Word
As I dutifully religiously did for years?
False assessment!
Imprecise logical preoccupation with truth.
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How, for years could I read Romans:
Charles Mahlangu |
Be transformed with the renewing of your mind
So that you understand what is the
Good acceptable will of God?
Don't be conformed?
Be transformed?
Be renewed in your minds routinely?
These are not theoretical constructs
They are active
They are prescriptive
They are to be experienced in the real life!
Yet I read the words in chapter twelve for years
With an tragically closed mind
Doomed to be complacent and "blessed!"
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We live in a generation that has lost ‘touch’ with the things of God. The only things people know about God is that He ‘claims’ to have created the heavens and the earth. He ‘supposedly’ owns every thing we see around us and that He knows us all by our first names. That’s all. Oh, I almost forgot number four, He wants us to live good lives and He makes sure that all the bad guys go to hell when they die. In all honesty if this is all the reality that is about God no wonder not many people are following Him.
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One thing that constantly nag me as I write these articles is that I am aware of the generation gap between me and 99% of my audience. These are people who take me for an old timer who is oblivious to the "latest " facts of life and who failed to not transform. And this is far from the truth' because when I got married back on the 28th November 1982 I thought we were the sophisticated generation back then. I thought that our marriages were that different from our parents, but on closer inspection the only true and evident difference was that our wives could wear slacks when my mother and her generation could not and that was just about the only true difference. otherwise everything else remained unchanged. Now today 28 years after when I look at my daughter and Joyce that gap has been closed and everything else remains unchanged. The principles that governed my parents marriage govern mine and still stand to govern my kids'.
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Psalm 19:7-11
The law of the Lord is perfect
The testimony of the Lord is sure
Making wise the simple
The precepts of the Lord are right
Rejoicing the heart
The commandment of the Lord is pure
Enlightening the eyes
The fear of the Lord is clean
Enduring forever
The rules of the Lord are true
And righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold
Even much fine gold
Sweeter also than honey
And the drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned
In keeping them there is great reward.
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The workshop held on the 24th October at Reach Out For Christ was our third this year since we began in August. we have been endeavoring to help couples resolve some of the challenges faced by most married people today. The workshops and seminars help in making it possible for us to do an en masse kind of counseling. I wish to thank all those who attended the seminar and followed the correct procedure which required that all the attendees pay a refundable fee and I hope you guys enjoyed the whole episode. From my side I can't complain, I fully enjoyed every moment, though as tiring as it was. I also believe that God wants His children to live in peace and enjoy the good of the land as the bible say in the book of Isaiah. As couples we need to commit ourselves to pursuing these laws and make a concrete decision never to turn away from them.
Roving through Psalm 119
These lovers are controlled by the Word of God for the law is the Word of God. The testimonies are the word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The statues are the Word of God. The commandments are the Word of God. The lovers must obey the Word of God in this marriage. [1-8]. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely on for success in their marriage.
The lovers are convinced the Word of God alone is sufficient authority for what constitute purity, godliness, and holiness. However, the hearts of the spouses must be constantly saturated with the counsel of God. These spouses must come up with creative ways to make the Word of God invade this marriage through their lives. The lovers must make the Word of God absolute source of reference for all issues they face in their marriage. If the Word of God is the defensive capability. The lovers are committed to put the instructions of the Word of God in all areas of life. The lovers are resounding with praises to God since they find ways to delight in God. Since they find ways to put obedience of this Word of God in their marriage. The lovers have committed themselves to seek God, to fix their hearts to fulfil his ways. After all, testimonies, the laws, the precepts, the Word, the rules, the commandments all describe the Word of God. The lovers must not forget to obey the Word of God in this marriage.
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Back in 1983 when I was a new convert I was challenged by a testimony that two Christian brothers shared with me. We were just chatting about the goodness of the Lord and the many things that they have experienced since they became Christians. The first testimony they shared with me was of a young Christian lady who was walking home from a home cell meeting. She used to walk home with a group of other youngsters but that evening they did not come so she had to walk by herself.
As she was walking across a veld one evening a group of boys appeared and came towards her. She had nowhere to run and had to continue walking. They came closer to her from the opposite direction. By that time the young lady was praying silently and just trusting God to intervene on her behalf.
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My greetings to all our readers and friends out there. The topic of this post says it all: “Is there anybody out there” where has everyone gone to? Guys I’m serious. I have been writing and trying to share my experiences with you and all I see is that yes, someone out there is reading But why the silence? I have only received 8 comments on four posts. Am I communication with you or not? This is the ‘loudest’ silence I’ve had from our blog readers so far. Is it possible to have readers from all 4 continents keep quite on you all at the same time? Please guys say something. This is the only encouragement you can give to me. Comment and let me know that I’m not alone. I’m beginning to feel like the ghosts at house number 1099 have ultimately caught up with me. LOL. I wish to continue with my next post on house number 1099. I’m waiting for you. Be blessed. MVK Read More!
We dealt with the issue of communication which was the main “culprit” in our previous survey. I am sure that all were happy with how we conducted the workshop. I must say that I really enjoyed myself even though I was extremely exhausted after the meeting. I also wish to thank Pastor Motlanthe from Pretoria together with all the guys who came with him. The notes for the workshop are available from TFT office for a nominal fee; otherwise the whole power point presentation is attached at the end of on this post.
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Phillemon Mathane is the Pioneer and Founder of Eagles of Faith Christian Fellowship in Akasia, Pretoria. RSA. Please visit Eagles of Faith at www.eaglesoffaith.co.za The man of God is married to Lebo; and they are blessed with a baby girl, Ofentswe. His assignment is to birth a contingent of matured and multi-gifted Apostolic Eagles who will even advance the Kingdom of God in every sphere of what he calls “The Market Place Temple”. This “temple” includes a myriad of spheres and domains such as business, government, politics, arts science and technology, media, sports, entertainment, etc. He believes that a true end time apostolic grace and ministry transcends beyond the four corners of a local church. He believes that until the church produce these ‘eagles type’ in greater supply of quality and quantity, the anticipated plan of God to restore the wealth of nations into the hands of the church will for a while remain suspended. You and I, properly trained and positioned by God, are that generation! Besides church ministry, his professional skills and interests include: strategic planning, financial management and reporting, project management, corporate governance, programme /project monitoring and evaluation, leadership training & amp; development.
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Reach Out For Christ Ministries on the 13 Feb 2011 at 14H30
We ran inside the Church to check out and what we discovered changed the way I have always considered the things of the Spirit up until then. We came into the Church and the music was playing accompanied by the best choral voices ever but the problem was that there were no musicians as they were all outside. The sound of the instruments and the singing came from the ceiling of the Church. This is what made the musicians to run outside, they were singing when they noticed that they were not singing alone, every time they finished a song an invisible band and singers continued to sing the same song. At first they thought that they were just hearing things but they did two to three more songs and the results were still the same. Ultimately they knew that they could not take it any more and that’s when they anonymously sprinted out of the building.
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The writer of Proverbs says: “Iron sharpens iron, one man’s face is made wise by another.”
The writer of Ecclesiastes says: “Two are better than one, better still, a cord of three is not easily broken.”
What is an ‘accountability’ relationship? What does it look like?
Who is in it? You and one or two or three believers. You and ---
A person or persons to meet with at regularly observed times, say once a week.
A or persons to help keep you in line with your spiritual fidelity and intimacy with God.
A person or persons who are mature.
A person, persons dedicated to your progress.
A person or persons to ask, demand ruthless introspection.
A person or persons who have been granted authority by you to remove the masks of your soul.
A person or persons to make you aspire for excellence in all segments of your being.
A person or persons to covenant with to be absolutely sincere and truthful, even when it agonizes to do so.
A person who will sit with you face to face and hands with hands, and demand to look into your eyes.
A person or persons who will be the instruments of God to minister to you.
A person or persons who will help steer you away from your blind spots.
A person or persons who would be called upon to reprove, rebuke and ask for deeper motives that drive you.
A person or persons to pray and intercede for you.
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Dr Charles Mahlangu was born and raised in Soweto, South Africa. He married Delores 11th October 1975 in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada and is father to Bonganinkosi and Lindiwe.
Local Church: The Freeway Tabernacle
Their life verses are: Ephesians 4:7-16, It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
Life Passion: To be a part of transforming mediocre unsatisfying marriages into joyous loving marriages that glorifies God and attracts others to Him.
Hobbies: viewing wildlife, jogging, Comrades Marathon six times.
Present Ministry:Founder and lecturer of Nisela Marriage Resource.
Mission statement: To train emerging church leaders to build strong God-honouring marriages. Dr Mahlangu has developed a counsellor training course. This course is valued at 12 credits towards a Bachelor of Theology degree when enrolling at the South African Theological Seminary in Rivonia. This course is presently being taught at The Freeway Tabernacle.
Method: Train men and women through seminars and resources that are based on biblical principles. These leaders will then be skilled to counsel marriages and families in their Churches.
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So you have relational conflicts in your marriage? Make things right.
Your marriage is full of communication explosives? Make things right.
So, the wife has a valid case of rage against the husband? Make things right.
You stole something from God? Make things right. Make a sacrifice according to the Levitical code.
You have grudges against your spouse? Make things right.
So nobody knows you are harbouring a grudge against your spouse? Make things right.
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Born 05 August 1978
Passed away 30 August 2010
Phumzile Lucia Dakile of 17285 Phase 4 Glen Ridge has passed away. Phumzile, a member of The Freeway Tabernacle passed away on the 30th August 2010 after a short illness.
The funeral will be held at Reach Out For Christ
on Saturday the 4th September
The service starts at 11:00
The cortege leaves for cemetery at 12:30
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NOTICE OF THE LATE Mr. Kamogelo Sizwe Kekana
Born 29 April 1990
Passed away 28 August 2010
Sizwe was a second year Industrial Engineering student at the University of Johannesburg
The memorial service will be held at the University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein Campus on Thursday 2 September 2010 at 13h00
The Funeral will be held at Home on Saturday 4th September 2010 at 07:30 and the cortege leaves at 10h00
Take the N12 Highway towards Witbank
Follow the Durban direction
Stay on the R59 Alberton /Vereeniging Road
Pass Mitchell off-ramp (Meyersdal)
Take the next off ramp - Swaartkoppies
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Mr. Charles Dempsey |
I also wish to welcome the spring season, I’m sure that most ‘Johannesburgers’ will agree that this was the coldest winter in the past 10 years or so. The FIFA world cup event was another great experience for both soccer lovers and soccer ‘tolerants’ like myself. We almost had an overdose of the whole event. We thank God for Mr. Sep Blatter Who had faith in South Africa from the onset and was never disappointed. Another Thank you to Julius 'juju' Malema for the best thing he ever said during the World cup event. Mr Malema said NOTHING at all and this was great.The World cup atmosphere is something I will forever cherish. It was truly an experience and my first time to wear a Soccer 'T' shirt. We hung country flags almost everywhere we went and some are still up. My house looked almost like FIFA house with all those flags proudly flying even at night, it was so wonderful to just go out at night and watch them sway from side to side. Some cars across the city still have flags and mirror covers of different countries on them. I also wish to thank God for enabling our country to host such an event even when Mr.Charles Dempsey thought that we were too primitive to do so. And hey world South Africa is NOT a third world country, we are just as competitive like most of you guys who came to visit us here.
During the world cup there were no incidents of Lions roaming the streets or Cheetahs chasing the tourists. no reports of people waking up only to find a black mamba in their shoe. Did you guys notice our Airports? And how about our Shopping Malls and roads. To top it all off South Africans have just proven to be the Worlds best hosts.
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Whatever your hands find to do, do all with might
Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Approach your marriage with this attitude of excelling in everything, to make your marriage excellent as a spouse.
Your commitment: Give all might to be committed to make your marriage excellent
Give all might to love your wife as Christ loved the church
Give all might to submit to your husband as the church submits to Christ Jesus
Your covenant: Give all might to keep your covenant of permanence
Give all might to be married for keeps and exhaust means to stay that way forever
Your obedience to God: Give all might to make Christ Sovereign in your fidelity to Him as your only Sovereign and Master of your marriage
Your mate: Give all might to honour him as Christ-like leader of marriage and home
Your wife: Give all might to excel to love in the same way Jesus loves you
Your children: Give all might to raise them in the instruction and admonition of the Lord
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Marriage Reinforcement Workshop
I wish to thank Pastor Maluleke and the whole TFT team for organizing the occasion. The meeting was attended by 155 couples and 29 individuals. What really impressed me was observing that the majority of the attendees were young couples. This was an indication of the urgency for the need for such meetings amongst young couples. I also wish to thank all the elderly couples who graced the occasion; it gave me the much needed backup that made it easy for me to speak to the house with confidence. Another encouraging factor was seeing the couples arrive as early as 14:15 for the meeting scheduled for 15:00 as a result we were able to start the meeting at the set time. I was there at 13h00 to prepare my presentation equipment. This meeting was the first of the four planned for 2010 with three others scheduled for September, October and November. (Dates to be announced soon)
Our faith in God or in anything else will always reach a testing point. This is when we know for sure whether what we have been ‘banking on’ pays off or not. When I came to knowing God in an official manner it was on the 9th of January 1983. I had been sick for a while up to that time. One winter evening in June 1982, I woke up at around 2 in the morning with my whole body burning as if a million hot needles were being pricked into every square millimetre from head to toe.
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Have you noticed that whether we believe in God or not is always influenced by what is happening to us and around us at any particular point in our lives? People hardly pray when everything is going well with them. On the other hand everybody becomes suddenly spiritual when there is a death in the family. I grew up in a Christian family where we were introduced to the knowledge of God from a very early age. My parents taught us to acknowledge and believe in a personal God whether things went well with us or not.
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* Don't run around knocking on doors - At such times most are locked, it's the law of trials
* Don't wish you were someone else - Their time is coming too, trials are not avoidable
* Don't forget God's promises - They remain the same even at that time
* Don't get too much into reasoning mode - At such times your mind must be on God
* Don't lose sleep over those issues - Staying awake was never part of any prescription
* Don't grab anything that comes - Trials always make you focus on anything but your dream
* Don't remember those you helped before - They always strangely hibernate somehow during this season
* Don't cheat hoping to make up for anything - Your integrity plays a vital role during this time
* Don't call those who said you must never be a Christian - They will confirm it
* Don't forget to drop me an E-mail - I might just have a word for you.
MVK Read More!
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MVK & Joyce Kotu |
I have been married to the same woman for 28 years and I have never felt so complete in my life. Marriage happens but living together is a skill that can be learnt though talking to others and attending marriage enrichment seminars and workshops. Being happily married and living happily ever after is not easily acquired as one man of God said it's 'blood sweat and tears' It never just happens we have to put a lot of hours learning the necessary skills and asking for the 'paths of old' from those who have been there before. I will be speaking to couples, both married and those engaged to be married. The meeting will take place on Sunday 22 August 2010. The meeting will be held at Reach Out For Christ Ministries in Chiawelo Ext. 3 Soweto.We will start at 3 in the afternoon. and admission is free. For further Enquiries please contact the ministry office at 011 980-5970 or Pastor. Billy Maluleke on 0837220815. alternatively you may leave a response below indicating your attendance. See you there. MVK For Directions Click Here
One thing that I have learnt in life is that both prosperity and poverty don’t just happen but rather they are a result of laws obeyed or broken. Many years ago when I was a new believer I heard a preacher say that “If you are poor don’t worry because that is exactly what you are capable of’ I was almost offended but instead as a young man who was steadfast on seeking God’s laws of prosperity I heard him very well and started towards working to a better life.
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Moss Ntlha: Pastor, Ebenezer Bible Church. General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa.
Location: Mohlakeng, Randfontein. Gauteng ,South Africa
About Me
Years ago, I think the year was 1987, a church sort of happened around me. I was later to learn that this was called church planting! So I guess I planted a church by mistake. Here is how it happened:
I was working as a chief geochemist with a mining company, having done an Applied Maths and Chemistry degree. With my wife Khumo, we went about trying to figure out how to make a contribution in the country, which was then in the midst of political upheavals and a state of emergency. Both of us activists from our youth. (That’s how we actually met!).
With several friends who were rather subversive types, we decided we would discover how to be biblically faithful, while being politically involved in the diverse struggles of the mass democratic movement at the time. So we prayed, studied the bible, engaged in community struggles of diverse sorts. I realised my theological base was rather weak to sustain the challenge of holding together a community of committed Christians looking to make sense of their faith in a revolutionary context
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Insightful Thoughts
We are always faced with a challenge of what others think of us even long after God has forgiven us. MVK
We all need to have an unwavering faith in God, that deep rooted knowledge that it shall be well with us at last. MVK
A good word uttered in good season often produce good results. MVK
Talking must always be done like singing it should always be well rehearsed before being released. MVK
Never give up until you have proven that what you're actually trying to achieve is absolutely unachievable. MVK
The Bible encourages us to renew our minds and never to remove our minds. MVK
Rarely does one see the need to think wisely until their bad thinking gets them into trouble. MVK
No idea is totally bad, if it's not good for today then save it for another day. MVK
My mind is made up, I want to be a good person, no matter what. MVK
We need to develop a positive attitude, a mind totally disabled from entertaining negativity. MVK
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