Living Your Life in Stereo Book Launch 4 December

BOOK LAUNCH - 4 DECEMBER 2011 - 16H00 @ THE FREEWAY TABERNACLE. (Reach Out For Christ) Midway, Soweto

Name of Book: Living Your Life in Stereo
Author: Montoedi Kotu
Pages 272
Book genre: Devotional, Motivational and self help

RSVP & Enquiries: Delores Mahlangu - - 0825642345
To attend the launch please be advised that the cost is: R300 per person. which includes a signed copy of the book by the author. Extra copies will be available at R150 per copy
Reservations will close on the 1st December 2011 @ 16H00
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Ten Rules To Successful Thinking - Part 2 MVK

# 6 Think while you sleep

Train yourself to think round the clock, especially when your mind is at its most creative state, when you are asleep. I have noticed that some of the negative things that I refused to entertain during the day would suddenly come back after hours especially when I’m asleep. As a result I have resorted to making sure that I avoid all manner of negativity in the evening. I make sure that I read a bible verse or a chapter from a book that I would be busy with just before I sleep. In this way I make sure that my last deposit into my mind will enable me to think positively and creatively while I sleep. I have found many solutions to some problems during my sleep. Things that I was unable to resolve during the day were unlocked during that time of sleep and by the time I woke up the next morning I had the solution. I believe that nightmares and bad dreams are also a result of a mind that was allowed to sleep without being fed positive stuff to process.
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Ten Rules to successful thinking - Part 1 MVK


# 1 Think with your head

Your first line of defence or offence in the world of thinking and imagination is your mind. If you don’t use your thinking faculties properly and effectively then you can rest assured that your downfall will not be difficult. Failure to think soberly and successfully renders all your other virtues to be null and void.
The mind is the battleground where all the challenges that we face are either won or lost before we can fully get into the actual conflict. So go on and create the habit of allowing your mind to sift through all the information you receive including the things you hear, and the ones you can’t hear. Never take anything at face value because most things are not what they seem to be. In the book of Romans 12:2 the bible encourages us to renew our minds so that we might be able to judge things properly.
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Family Matters Workshop 24 July 2011

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When Life's Demands On Us Are More Than We Can Afford At That Moment

I woke up this morning with a feeling of being slightly overwhelmed by the so many small challenges that I face. I am not too sure about how to explain what I mean by saying “slightly overwhelmed” because I believe that you too will wonder what I am trying to say by that because it is commonly accepted that a person is either overwhelmed which means that they are totally defeated or else they must be absolutely “on top of their game” as the saying goes.
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Youth Seminar Power Point Presentation

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Family Matters Power point Presentation

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Why I Think Some Marriages Fail Despite All Good Efforts To make Them Work - Part 7

Today I will talk about 2 other things that are quite problematic in relationships today. They are Preferences and Principles. I do not wish to get too much into trying to give you the most accurate oxford dictionary meaning of these two words because the truth is, it is not knowing the definitions of words that make us accept the truth or the authority of the same. Let me give you an example: If you knew for the first time today that God means: self existent; all powerful; creator; mighty father; maker of all beings and one to whom we will have to give account on the day of judgement, Will it make you respect him better? I think no, it won't. Therefore I will just continue as if you know what these words mean, and in case you don't know, don't worry when i'm through explaining myself you will not only know what these words mean but also that what we know makes us responsible.

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Why I Think Some Marriages Fail Despite All Good Efforts To make Them Work - Part 6

By now I'm sure that it is evident to you  that I am not here to offer any professional advice but just honest; practical; and proven methods you can live by. The next point I wish to address today is the issue of Compromise. Many people even after they have entered into marriage and other relationships that require nothing but the best out of them, still fail to transform. The word compromise will only sound threatening to those who are dominant and or defensive by nature or from experience. I grew up with three elder sisters who did all kinds of "parental experiments" on me. Looking back I'm convinced that these ladies were rehearsing for their parental eras ahead of them using me as a model. They would send me to do things that were way beyond my ability at that time, and they also reprimanded me just the opposite of how real mothers would do.

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Why I Think Some Marriages Fail Despite All Good Efforts To make Them Work - Part 5

In this article I would like to contribute into the lives of those who are already married, and try help them to fill in some of those cracks that are already visible in their marriages. This will also come in handy to those who are already pledged to marry but are tempted to have second thoughts about going all the way.
I wish to repeat once more that I am not a marriage coach or counselor at all, but just a man who has been married to the same woman for the past 28 years, and still prepared to remain married to her for the remaining part of my life. I believe that the time Joyce and I have spent together peacefully; and that though both of us being not perfect in any way yet having succeeded in our marriage does give us some credit and room to instruct those younger than ourselves in marriage.
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Why I Think Some Marriages fail Despite All Good Efforts To Make Them Work - Part 4

I have always been able to look at my wife's shortcomings and successes from both a father and brother's point of view. I would come home after work and Joyce would have prepared a "not so good meal" this happened quite often simply because we both come from different families that prepared their meals differently as well. When this happened the husband in me would wish to complain and criticize her but then the Father and the elder brother in me would quickly come to the surface and understand her point of view with regards to the meal at hand. I had to override my criticism with a compliment and a bit of help to make it a better meal. And this was purely my own opinion of a better meal because I was using my moms cooking as a point of reference, and Joyce was preparing the meals using her moms methods. At this point allow me once more to say that if you are looking for a wife or a husband just like your mom or dad then you might as well call off the search as there are no duplicates in that department. This could even be worse if you are already married to someone and you are trying to transform them into becoming that.
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Why I Think Some Marriages fail Despite All Good Efforts To Make Them Work - Part 3

What I have shared in the past two articles; about the type of families we come from, the experiences we had, and above all else the possibility of us not becoming any different from our parents became the very reasons why that afternoon 29 years ago we decided we were going to get married anyhow. That day as my father's son I knew that his failures were not transferable at all.That I was an individual created in the image and likeness of God with a written plan for my life by God. My heart was filled with great compassion, compassion I could not explain even up to this day. When I looked at Joyce at that time the first I realized was that the last thing she needed in her life was a husband. I knew she was right when she said she was not going to get married to any man. Joyce being the her mother's only child needed first an elder brother, then a father, then a friend, and lastly a husband. I knew that if I can successfully became all these in the same order then I can ultimately become the husband she never wanted.
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Why I Think Some Marriages fail Despite All Good Efforts To Make Them Work - Part 2

Joyce told me how she grew up in a family where her father was never present. She said she never knew him or saw him, and she was told that he passed away when she was still too young to can remember anything. This apparently led her to experiencing a life that was not the kind that any kid would appreciate have. To top it all off even the house they were living in did not belong to her mother, it was a "family house" as they are known in township lingo and all the homeless relatives had the right to find shelter in it. She witnessed how her mother single handedly struggled to make ends meet, and how the only male figures; her uncles also did not have much time for a kid who was not their biological offspring. As we spoke I could pick up that she had a deep rooted resentment for men. This put me at the crossroads of whether I should give up or try harder to convince her to give us a chance since we both came from dis-functional families. At this I must say that in my heart I felt much drawn to her than before. I knew it in my heart that I could be that man who can make both Joyce and my mother to believe that there are still better men in this world . But as to how I hoped to pull off this one, only God knew. I had no idea at all as to how I would embark on the task. Well, the truth about Joyce's father was that he was alive and well all this time, but she only met him on the afternoon after her mother's funeral, and this was 17 years after we got married.
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Why I Think Some Marriages fail Despite All The Good Efforts To Make Them Work - Part 1

First I wish to indicate that I'm not a marriage counselor at all. therefore I'm not too sure if this disqualifies me from speaking on the subject, Especially trying to speak to others about it at this level. But I'm trying to convince myself that being a product of a broken marriage myself yet having succeeded in remaining committed to the same woman for 28 years should at least give me an audience with my peers and those who are younger than myself in marriage. Having said that I also wish to indicate that I will not be able to speak on the whole matter all at once in this article. I will speak a little each day until I have said all I can.
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Prosperity begins when our task is to live for God and nothing else. Part 3 MVK

Most people think that a call to contentment by God is a way of keeping us mum and depriving us of our freedom to question God about situations and the things that we don’t like. I wish to highlight that I was not taught contentment by the Church but by my parents. In our family you never complained just for the sake of doing so, we were taught to make sure that our grievances were legitimate or else you got an hour long lecture for ‘taking things for granted’. More than this affecting us negatively it helped us to view things in a more realistic and Godly manner, and unlike most kids we grew up more appreciative than negative. As I mentioned in one of my previous articles; my family was more on the average side of life, not very poor but definitely not rich either. We grew up knowing and acknowledging that it took a lot of efforts from our parents’ side to keep us the children alive. How I wish that today’s generation could just realize that too.

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Prosperity begins when our task is to live for God and nothing else. MVK


Please note that what I’m sharing with you in this article should not be viewed in a doctrinal manner at all. But it should be done so just as another opinion, which is based on my personal understanding and the practice of the scriptures, and the results that I saw when combining the two.

The subject of prosperity and poverty is often a very confusing one. More especially confusing because every time the issue is addressed one finds himself with a fresh or new view about it and all these come as a result of different speakers or writers bringing ‘new’ revelations that leave many more confused and often poorer than they were before. In my case I only became aware that our family was defined as poor or ‘under privileged’ when I came into contact with kids who came from families that were better off than ours.

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Prosperity begins when our task is to live for God and nothing else. MVK

I have always been challenged by how people approach God. They seem to forget a number of things that are actually very critical in our search for reality, meaning, and prosperity. One thing that must forever stick out in our search for God is that, God owns every thing and this is a ‘life fact’ and not a ‘Christian fact’. Our search for every thing else in this life must therefore be preceded by an honest, full hearted search for a meaningful relationship with Him. I come from a family that always conscientised us about Godliness, the fear and respect for God, and that His invisibility did not in any way suggest that He was non existent.

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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 9

Our First Gift Was For Our Liberation – Part 2
That evening we parted with our very first gift that made a significant difference in our lives. Significant in the sense that it left us without the only means of transport in the family but it also left us so excited that we finally obeyed God. We believed in our hearts that one day we were going to look back and make reference to that day with regards to material breakthroughs. When I told this young man that we have decided to give him our car he was so surprised and did not believe it but we assured him that we were sure that it was the most perfect move we made up to that point in our lives.
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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 8

Our First Gift Was For Our Liberation From Possessions
In the book of Matthew Jesus said something that will forever be my motivation for giving. I believe that without the words of my master I would still be languishing in poverty like most people. Here Jesus speaks about three things and they are; the Heart, The treasure and some place. ‘where your treasure is there your heart will be also’ Matthew 6:21 this simply tells us how much power possessions can have over people, but this scripture read in reverse also reveals the power of the heart; ‘where your heart is there your treasure will be also’ now it depends on how you read the scripture.

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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 7

I’m sure that by now you might have noticed that I make very minimum reference to the bible in my articles. I honestly believe that the Bible is God’s infallible word. I also believe that it is the greatest book ever written but unless it is believed, the Bible becomes no less than just a well written novel. It has to be practiced more than being believed. The following statement will help you to become a better person: ‘you only believe the part of the bible that you practice’ everything else you don’t practice you simply don’t believe. I have always wondered what Adam; Abraham; Lot and Noah read. Did they have a written set of rules or directives to live by? No they did not.

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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 6

Prosperity is not for the fainthearted

I wish to purposely ignore the house building project for a while and dig deeper into my experiences and challenges hoping that this will help you understand my point and approach better. In this article I will be sharing about how we broke through the barriers of poverty that we were facing. Or shall I say the barriers of lack and want. When we look at Psalm 23 we hear David speak about want. What is want? The English dictionary defines wanting as a state of desiring but not having or having a deficiency; or experiencing insufficiency, and also as lack. What we need to realize from this scripture is that David had this inner assurance that his shepherd was not going to give him over to lack or any kind of insufficiency.

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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 5

I will not be able to share about the challenges that we had in our new residence lest I lose focus of what we’re sharing about and also because that by itself is a topic for another day. Al I can say at this point is that yes the place was haunted but since we had nowhere else to go we chose to face the ghosts head on and through faith in God and much resistance from our side we managed to get rid of whatever ghosts that were living in the house and we finally had peace.

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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 4

When my mother offered us her house we were very thankful to both her and to God for such grace, but we were young and had a desire like most guys of our age to live in a better area. This house was owned by my parents since 1956 and I was born in it, and so were both my kids. Not only was the house old but the area too was very ancient. It was in one of the three oldest townships in Soweto. But we were glad. We planned that we were going to use the house to be our ‘passport’ out of this township.

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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 3

It took our Church just over six months to have an income of R2000 per month I got very excited at seeing this progress. To me it simply meant that we were on the right track and God was backing us up. I could not wait to call a meeting with the gentlemen who agreed to pay me fifty percent of the total income, which at that moment was R500 because our Church income was only a thousand rands per month. The first six months of my full time ministry were more like a school of character building and learning to trust God at all costs.

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Confessions Of a changed Person - Failure Is Just An Option - Part 1

It was only after I had lost all my earthy possessions that my definition of success changed. Like most folks to me success was being able to accumulate both, the things that I needed and those that I did not need just in case life dealt me an unfair blow then I can have something to fall back on. At the age of 17 I joined the South African Police Force as it was called back then, and my first pay check was a whooping R85 per month! The year was 1976 and back then the salary I earned was roughly equivalent to about R4000 because a household of 4 could manage well on it. I did not spend much time in the police and by 1978 I resigned and worked for the city council at a Bottle store, and my salary was doubled.

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How I Learnt To Trust God - Part 3 - MVK

One morning around four I woke up with something very strange happening to me. There was a voice coming out of my stomach reciting what I would later identify as Psalm 91. The part that remained with me for the rest of the day was the last verse which says: “with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.” KJV. And it was actually being said in the King James Version. This is the version I was introduced to when I became a Christian in 1983. This is verse 16 of Psalm 91. At first I thought that this voice was coming from somewhere else but on recognizing that it actually came from within my stomach I did not feel comfortable at all, especially because I did not even know its meaning. It went on from when I woke up and continued as I was preparing to go to work. This voice was far from being like mine it was sharp and very authoritative but peaceful at the same time. I went and fetched my Bible and as if someone told me where to open I went straight to Psalm 91 which I was seeing for the first time. This also was not natural. I read the Psalm line by line while the voice continued to recite it.
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How I Learnt To Trust God - Part 2 - MVK

I have never been good at praying but looking back it seems like I have succeeded in conveying both my message and concerns to God through the ‘monologue’ that I engage in daily. The challenge that I had from day one was that I am introvert by nature. It’s such a great pity that most people don’t believe it. I also don’t like crowds. It’s truly amazing how I manage to speak to multitudes. My own interpretation of introvert is a person who gets more excited than everyone else but is unable to convince others to that effect. The first time I went to Church I saw a lot of both males and females who could have been my age praying and expressing themselves in the most admirable manner I have witnessed in my life up to that time. And to me that was what praying was all about.
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How I Learnt To Trust God - Part 1 - MVK

If you’re ever going to trust in God make sure that you do it right first time. This will help you a lot in tackling all future challenges. Faith in God or believing in God, whichever way you chose to look at it must always be done right or else it does not work. When you do this, the very first thing you realize is how much you have been trusting in other things that took away all your ability to trust in the unseen God. First let me give you a background of where I come from then you will better understand these articles. In one of my previous posts I related how I belonged to a ‘gangster’ like group that gave me so much security that they had literally become my fortress in the township. During that era in the late seventies there were quite a lot of those both formal and informal criminal groups that you could not live without, that is if you really meant business with the township life. Some were simply for those needing to ‘just’ belong to a group and others were for those who were ‘more serious’ about belonging.
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The Battle At House Number 1099 - Part 6 - MVK

Every Bible reader has their favourite portion of scripture. I have mine too and my favourite, favourite has always been     1 Corinthians 15:46 which says; the spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. (NIV) But before I go on with this scripture allow me to say that I personally believe that the Bible was not written to Christians in the same way that the South African Constitution was not written to politicians and road signs are not there exclusively for car owners. The bible is a book about people for people and it was written by people who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. This kind of understanding will trigger in all of us that much needed faith to believe God for the impossible. The truth behind this belief only becomes a reality when we are faced with situations that only the Bible gives us hope about. There have been numerous cases of individuals who had reached the end of the road and relied only on what the bible had to offer them. And those individuals have broken through their challenges

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The Battle At House Number 1099 - Part 5 - MVK

Have you ever stood your ground even in the face of obvious failure? One day I preached about this in our Church. The content of this sermon was made up manly of the many lessons I gained at house number 1099. I once heard someone say ‘when you are with your back against the wall, the only direction to go is forward” it sounded good and very practical as a word of encouragement but could it be done? One thing that I have learnt in life was how valuable some things are if you don’t just hear them, but when you listen carefully when they are said. Here is the difference between the things you hear and those you listen to; as you read this article you are somehow listening to what I’m saying but in the back round you hear a lot of other noises, including conversations that are not directed to you. Hearing is a gift from God but listening is a skill developed by some people. The importance of listening is that whatever you listened to can not be taken away from you when on the other hand I can’t remember how many sounds I heard today. Check this out; should you hear music played in the middle of the night when all other noises are absent it sticks with you whether it is good or bad music. The art of listening is developed through eradicating all other voices or messages and picking out just that line that will save your life later.

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Workshop feb 2011

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

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The Chat Room - The Chat Room - The Chat Room - The Chat room

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The Battle At House Number 1099 - Part 4 - MVK

One thing I have always been interested in was, seeing the manifestations of the promises of the Bible. Before becoming a Christian I used to be a criminal, and in the criminal world threats are carried out, promises are never broken and wishes do come through. All these happen because criminals have integrity up to certain extend. So to me the transition was very challenging because here I was reading the Bible, and it was speaking of better things, promising me actual power than the one I had back in the world. Before I got saved I was a gun smith. A gun smith is a gun mechanic. I gained this experience many years ago when I was still in the police force. I did border training followed by serving alongside the defence force at the borders, and that is where I learnt to strip and fix hand guns and rifles.

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The Battle at House number 1099 - Part 3 - MVK

One day an elderly couple from our Church asked if they could pay us visit and we made arrangements for one Saturday afternoon. We agreed and set the date. They came and we really had a wonderful time with them. We were aware that both these elderly folks were gifted in the area of dreams and visions. In the past they told us a lot of things that we were aware of but we could not interpret and the things they said always came to pass. So we naturally loved them and trusted their spiritual judgement. The elderly gentleman passed away last month in August and the old lady is still with us in Church. It was around seven in the evening when they decided to go and Joyce and I walked them to their car which was parked on the lawn outside. As we opened the front door the elderly man got into a semi trance. I hope I will be able to explain ‘semi trance.’ He was still there with us but he paused for a few seconds and began to see in the realm of the spirit.

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MVK Zone Devotionalist - Delores Mahlangu . TFT - Soweto

Delores, born in Canada, is married to Dr Charles Mahlangu, founder and lecturer of Nisela Marriage Resource. Their life verses are: Eph 4:7-16, It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. Dee studied at Capernwray Bible School in England, Providence College in Canada, and is currently completing a Bachelor of Theology degree at South African Theological Seminary. In 1972 she served with Operation Mobilization in Spain. Dee ministered in Boissevain Bible Church in Canada for 2 years where Charles was the Pastor, she served on the executive of Christian Women’s Club. Charles and Dee served the Manzini Evangelical Church and Manzini Fellowship Church in Swaziland [1980-2002]. Since 1980 they have been training facilitators in marriages, families and homes. While her husband was principal [2004-2008] of Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa [ESSA], Dee worked in Publicity and Fund-raising. Throughout her ministry, Dee has been an exhorter-counselor to women and couples. She is mother to Bongani and Lindiwe. The Mahlangus began attending ROFC in 2008 and became members of The Freeway Tabernacle in 2009. Delores and Charles Mahlangu are leaders of the premarital and marriage enrichment and mentoring at TFT. The Mahlangu's in collaboration with TFT and the South African Theological Seminary [SATS] teach a course called; a Cord of Many Strands. [CMS] The course is accredited by SATS and carries 12 credits towards a B.Th [bachelor of Theology]

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The Battle at House number 1099 - Part 2 - MVK

House number 1099 was a palace when compared with the house we came from back in Soweto. It had all that a family could possibly ask for in a house. The area was and still is the best suburb just outside Soweto. So we moved in on a Saturday afternoon and unpacked all our belongings and by the time we went to bed it looked like we had been staying there for a while. But deep inside my heart I discovered that I had been praying silently for the past three days. Since the day the owner of the place told us that it was haunted I never let a moment pass without praying in my heart. I was not really worried by the fact that we were stuck with demons in a house, my worry was about what would happen if my kids discovered these things and living in fear.

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Some months back I purchased a vacant property adjacent to my house and I pledged to pay it cash over instalments (This story is a whole testimony by itself for another time) I finished paying it off last month. So a week ago I received a bill of R7300.00 from the transferring attorneys for the transfer costs but I had to wait for them to compile the paperwork for me to sign before I can pay the money.
I was still waiting for the paperwork to arrive when my wife was reversing out of our garage and the garage door jammed and she hit it with her car.
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MVK Zone Devotionalist - Pastor Krish Mathura - Zak Park - RSA

I was born in Natal. I'm married to Mummygirl and we have 3 children aged 29,26,19.I also have a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law and two grandsons.I pastor a church in Zakariyya Park,called Shekinah Tabernacle,South of Johannesburg.I am the Secretary General of ROFCMI Reach out For Christ Ministries International and I am also the Secretary of the Lenasia Ministers Fraternal. I like watching soccer during my spare time and my favorite team is Orlando Pirates. My other interests include Cricket and teaching others
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MVK Zone Devotionalist - Rev. Thembelani Jentile - Mamelodi Baptist Church - RSA

Thembelani Jentile, an ordained minister of the gospel, is the husband to Refilwe Jentile, and a father of three boys: Siphosethu (5), Omolemo (3) and Ntuthuko (1) He pastor’s Mamelodi Baptist Church, a growing church in Mamelodi West, East of Pretoria; since 2003.

Rev Jentile is a regular co-host of ‘Wednesday live’on Radio Pulpit with Lucky Mbiko. A Sunday Sun columnist (since 2005 to date); writing extensively on LEADERSHIP, as a Spiritual and Servant leader; and MARRIAGE, as a marriage officer. He has, however authored and self published a book titled ‘Repairing Broken Alters’ based on his sermons; and several unpublished work. A firm believer in education; and as such, he has obtained his Diploma in Ministry from the Baptist Convention College; Diploma in Theology from the Joint Board Southern Africa with distinction (all in 2003). Honours Bachelor of Theology in New Testament with the University of South Africa (2009). Rev Jentile is currently doing his Masters of Theology in Practical Theology, with the University of Pretoria.

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The Battle at House number 1099 - Part 1 - MVK

My wife - Joyce
Back in 1998 we sold our house in Soweto and we had to move out within a month. We were very desperate for a place to stay but since we were not in a position to pay high rental I made an announcement in our Church one Sunday that we were prepared to live anywhere. “We will live anywhere, even if it’s a haunted house” I said. On Wednesday of the same week I received a call from one of our Church members asking me if I really needed a place to stay, I told him yes my family needed a place as soon as possible. The man told me that we could move into his house in the most prestigious suburb in Soweto. He dropped off the key the next day and we were ready to move in. He informed us that the key that he gave us was the only one they had because they had lost all the other keys. So the kitchen door was locked with a latch from the inside. Joyce and I went to check the property in the evening. It was a very large house with all that a family could need but something did not look okay when we checked the house properly.It looked like it has been empty for a while and was in a much neglected state. There was also something unexplainably odd about the house; it did not feel like a house. I am not too sure about how to explain it, but there was a “spooky” feeling around the house and Joyce and I agreed that we felt “watched” whilst we were moving around the house

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Confessions Of A Changed Person - Still Alive 24Years Down The Line!

Once I heard someone say:" You will never know how far you can go until you have your back against the wall". And still another one said:" when you are with your back against the wall, the only way out is forward". These statements including many others that have the same impact over our faith can sometimes become the only reason why we choose to "hang in there" even when it is obvious that we have failed.

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MVK Zone Devotionalist - Gloria Mbokota - TFT - Soweto

Born in Soweto, I spent part of my childhood in a small rural village in the Mpumalanga Province. An experience I cherish for the life lessons it has taught me. This is where I first got introduced to salvation. I hold a Masters degree in Public and Development Management from Wits University, B.A. honours in Development Studies (cum laude), a degree in Psychology and recently qualified as a certified Meta-Coach. I has been consulting on organisational development and design for over 15 years in the public, NGO and private sector. Currently working as a Principal Technical Advisor for the National Treasury’s Technical Assistance Unit. My work includes consulting with social services national and provincial departments including Presidency.
Before that, I worked for many years in a number of community development NGO’s as an educator, trainer and manager, ultimately taking on the role of National Director. During this period also served in a number of NGO boards as part of my contribution to development in the country.
As a young person, through seeking to make a meaning out of life in the township, I became a member of Reach Out for Christ Ministries (now Freeway Tabernacle) since its inception (1986) and served in the ministry as a leader in various capacities including managing and overseeing the running of the Bible class and the overall coordination of the ministry of helps in the church.
I consider myself a community development practitioner and leader. My passion is to see ordinary people develop and succeed, to help people become the best they can be and discover their own passion.
I am inspired by reading inspirational books, The Bush (National Parks) or anywhere near the ocean is the best place for me to recharge

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2010 - 2011 What it meant to me - MVK

Exodus 11:1 Now the Lord had said to Moses, “I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that, he will let you go from here, and when he does, he will drive you out completely” [niv]

Last night was New Year’s Eve and the last day of the year 2010. To me as I stood at the treshold of the new year I could almost hear God say that 2010 and all its bad challenges was like the Pharaoh who had me bound under his cruel power and God was saying that the ‘passing over’ from 2010 to 2011 was like the exodus from Egypt and the beginning of a voyage to the promised land.
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