For lovers who love Yahweh - Part 3- By Dr. Charles Mahlangu

Psalm 19:7-11
The law of the Lord is perfect

Reviving the soul
The testimony of the Lord is sure
Making wise the simple
The precepts of the Lord are right
Rejoicing the heart
The commandment of the Lord is pure
Enlightening the eyes
The fear of the Lord is clean
Enduring forever
The rules of the Lord are true
And righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold
Even much fine gold
Sweeter also than honey
And the drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned
In keeping them there is great reward.
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Presentation Of the Workshop Held on 24 October - MVK

The workshop held on the 24th October at Reach Out For Christ was our third this year since we began in August. we have been endeavoring to help couples resolve some of the challenges faced by most married people today. The workshops and seminars help in making it possible for us to do an en masse kind of counseling. I wish to thank all those who attended the seminar and followed the correct procedure which required that all the attendees pay a refundable fee and I hope you guys enjoyed the whole episode. From my side I can't complain, I fully enjoyed every moment, though as tiring as it was. I also believe that God wants His children to live in peace and enjoy the good of the land as the bible say in the book of Isaiah. As couples we need to commit ourselves to pursuing these laws and make a concrete decision never to turn away from them.

Our next meeting will be held at the same venue on the 21 November at 14H30 which will be the last but one of our meetings for 2010. A map will be attached on the Blog for those coming outside Soweto. A big thank you again to the guys from Pretoria and those coming from other Churches. We believe that the Kingdom of God cannot be contained in one small Church such as ours and That is why we are happy to have members of other Churches join us in these seminars.
I have attached the Power point slides of the presentation hereto, but the notes are only available with the DVD of the presentation on request for a very nominal fee. Please note that the handouts you were given at the seminar are not the presentation notes. To order the dvd and notes please call the office on 011 980-5970 or order on comments under this post. Be blessed. MVK 
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For lovers who love Yahweh - Part 2 - By Dr. Charles Mahlangu

Roving Through Psalm 119

The lovers seek God’s direction for marriage goals from the Word of God. The lovers are guided by the light of God’s Word. The lovers’ supreme pledge is that the Word of God is their heritage forever. The lovers pledge to be found doing the Word of life forever to the end…”
The commandments are the Word of God. The rules are the Word of God. The statutes are the Word of God. The law is the Word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The testimonies are the Word of God. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely upon for marital success.
The lovers lay down policies to be single-minded in their devotion to obedience. The lovers make God their hiding place and shield, for all the challenges faced in their marriage. They declare a persistent longing to be enabled to submit to the authority of God.
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For lovers who love Yahweh - Part 1- By Dr.Charles Mahlangu

Roving through Psalm 119

There is the possibility for lovers to be blessed by God. The lovers can choose the quality of life God blesses. The lovers are guaranteed certain favours by God. However, this is going to cost them. Are they willing to become blameless in the sight of God? Are they willing to commit themselves in their marriage to walk with God? Are they willing to seek God wholly in their hearts? Are they willing to be diligent in the study and pursuit of the Word of God? Are they committed to make their marriage centred in the will of God? Are they committed to pursue purity as godly spouses? Then the lovers’ hearts will overflow with joyful praises.
These lovers are controlled by the Word of God for the law is the Word of God. The testimonies are the word of God. The precepts are the Word of God. The statues are the Word of God. The commandments are the Word of God. The lovers must obey the Word of God in this marriage. [1-8]. Meditation is intense intercession the lovers rely on for success in their marriage.
The lovers are convinced the Word of God alone is sufficient authority for what constitute purity, godliness, and holiness. However, the hearts of the spouses must be constantly saturated with the counsel of God. These spouses must come up with creative ways to make the Word of God invade this marriage through their lives. The lovers must make the Word of God absolute source of reference for all issues they face in their marriage. If the Word of God is the defensive capability. The lovers are committed to put the instructions of the Word of God in all areas of life. The lovers are resounding with praises to God since they find ways to delight in God. Since they find ways to put obedience of this Word of God in their marriage. The lovers have committed themselves to seek God, to fix their hearts to fulfil his ways. After all, testimonies, the laws, the precepts, the Word, the rules, the commandments all describe the Word of God. The lovers must not forget to obey the Word of God in this marriage.

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Who wants to see a demon? - MVK

Back in 1983 when I was a new convert I was challenged by a testimony that two Christian brothers shared with me. We were just chatting about the goodness of the Lord and the many things that they have experienced since they became Christians. The first testimony they shared with me was of a young Christian lady who was walking home from a home cell meeting. She used to walk home with a group of other youngsters but that evening they did not come so she had to walk by herself.
As she was walking across a veld one evening a group of boys appeared and came towards her. She had nowhere to run and had to continue walking. They came closer to her from the opposite direction. By that time the young lady was praying silently and just trusting God to intervene on her behalf.

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A Step In The Right Direction - MVK

I am excited to announce that I have been accepted as a professional speaker by the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa. My reason for joining PSASA is because I realized that even though by the Grace of God I am able communicate with people internationally through this blog the door to ‘professional speaking’ was almost impossible to enter unless I am registered with a professional body like PSASA. So what’s next? I will definitely be charging you for speaking to you in person! Just kidding. To be honest with you money is the last thing on my mind because the Bible is very clear on that one. The book of Ecclesiastes sums it up in the following clear terms: Eccl 5:10 Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless. NIV

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My greetings to all our readers and friends out there. The topic of this post says it all: “Is there anybody out there” where has everyone gone to? Guys I’m serious. I have been writing and trying to share my experiences with you and all I see is that yes, someone out there is reading But why the silence? I have only received 8 comments on four posts. Am I communication with you or not? This is the ‘loudest’ silence I’ve had from our blog readers so far. Is it possible to have readers from all 4 continents keep quite on you all at the same time? Please guys say something. This is the only encouragement you can give to me. Comment and let me know that I’m not alone. I’m beginning to feel like the ghosts at house number 1099 have ultimately caught up with me. LOL. I wish to continue with my next post on house number 1099. I’m waiting for you. Be blessed. MVK Read More!