Family Matters Presentation 19 Sept 2010 - MVK

“Family Matters”, the couple’s meeting we had on Sunday at The Freeway Tabernacle was yet another success. The meeting was attended by at least 550 individuals and the challenge was that we expected 430 people. This means that we had to do last minute arrangements to accommodate 120 individuals. We plead with all to please make sure that you register well in advance as we will no longer admit unregistered persons. I also wish to thank the organizing committee for a job well done. Guys thank you very much
We dealt with the issue of communication which was the main “culprit” in our previous survey. I am sure that all were happy with how we conducted the workshop. I must say that I really enjoyed myself even though I was extremely exhausted after the meeting. I also wish to thank Pastor Motlanthe from Pretoria together with all the guys who came with him. The notes for the workshop are available from TFT office for a nominal fee; otherwise the whole power point presentation is attached at the end of on this post.

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MVK Zone Devotionalist- Pastor Phillemon Mathane - Eagles of Faith - Pretoria

Phillemon Mathane is the Pioneer and Founder of Eagles of Faith Christian Fellowship in Akasia, Pretoria. RSA. Please visit Eagles of Faith at The man of God is married to Lebo; and they are blessed with a baby girl, Ofentswe. His assignment is to birth a contingent of matured and multi-gifted Apostolic Eagles who will even advance the Kingdom of God in every sphere of what he calls “The Market Place Temple”. This “temple” includes a myriad of spheres and domains such as business, government, politics, arts science and technology, media, sports, entertainment, etc. He believes that a   true end time apostolic grace and ministry transcends beyond the four corners of a local church. He believes   that until the church produce these ‘eagles type’ in greater supply of quality and quantity, the anticipated plan of God to restore the wealth of nations into the hands of the church will for a while remain suspended. You and I, properly trained and positioned by God, are that generation! Besides church ministry, his professional skills and interests include: strategic planning, financial management and reporting, project management, corporate governance, programme /project monitoring and evaluation, leadership training & amp; development. 

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Family Matters - Marriage Workshop - with MVK

13 Feb 2011 - 14H30

Our present statistics reveal that the lack of proper communication makes 38.27 % of challenges amongst couples at The Freeway Tabernacle. I believe that the couples at TFT represent all other couples around the world since it’s a fact that 45% of published statistics were not researched at all. And please note that the 38.27% was actual indication by married folks at TFT. In this workshop we will be tackling all known common problems to good communication. Everything from “I thought you said” to “that’s not what I meant” I believe that if couples can talk then they are almost half way through communicating.
You are invited to attend this workshop which will held at 
Reach Out For Christ Ministries on the 13 Feb 2011 at 14H30



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Who wants to see a demon? - Part 2 - MVK

It had been three months since I prayed asking God to show me a demon and by this time I was honestly happy that it did not happen because since the day I prayed I checked a lot of books and saw many horrid pictures depicting satan and demons, and this naturally made me afraid up to a point. But then deep down inside I kept feeling that desire to come face to face with a demon, and looking back today that desire made a lot sense because it prepared me for a lot of things that I had to go through in life. Many people who oppose the reality of Angels and demons simply do so because they have never confronted these beings. I have also heard others say that these are simply myths or hallucinations. One Saturday afternoon in 1984 we were cleaning and getting our Church hall ready for the Sunday service and the Church choir was rehearsing in preparation for the next day. I and the other guys were now cleaning the yard outside when the musicians came out of the Church running as if they were being chased by something.

We ran inside the Church to check out and what we discovered changed the way I have always considered the things of the Spirit up until then. We came into the Church and the music was playing accompanied by the best choral voices ever but the problem was that there were no musicians as they were all outside. The sound of the instruments and the singing came from the ceiling of the Church. This is what made the musicians to run outside, they were singing when they noticed that they were not singing alone, every time they finished a song an invisible band and singers continued to sing the same song. At first they thought that they were just hearing things but they did two to three more songs and the results were still the same. Ultimately they knew that they could not take it any more and that’s when they anonymously sprinted out of the building.
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Accountability - By Dr. Charles Mahlangu

Small group/Discipleship/ Married couples/Men’s and Women’s Fellowship Groups
The writer of Proverbs says: “Iron sharpens iron, one man’s face is made wise by another.”
The writer of Ecclesiastes says: “Two are better than one, better still, a cord of three is not easily broken.”
What is an ‘accountability’ relationship? What does it look like?
Who is in it? You and one or two or three believers. You and ---
 A person or persons to meet with at regularly observed times, say once a week.
 A or persons to help keep you in line with your spiritual fidelity and intimacy with God.
 A person or persons who are mature.
 A person, persons dedicated to your progress.
 A person or persons to ask, demand ruthless introspection.
 A person or persons who have been granted authority by you to remove the masks of your soul.
 A person or persons to make you aspire for excellence in all segments of your being.
 A person or persons to covenant with to be absolutely sincere and truthful, even when it agonizes to do so.
 A person who will sit with you face to face and hands with hands, and demand to look into your eyes.
 A person or persons who will be the instruments of God to minister to you.
 A person or persons who will help steer you away from your blind spots.
 A person or persons who would be called upon to reprove, rebuke and ask for deeper motives that drive you.
 A person or persons to pray and intercede for you.
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Why I Think Some Marriages fail Despite All Good Efforts To Make Them Work - Part 12

The key to understanding the importance of compatibility between people lie in the understanding of the composition of man. All religions and spiritual beliefs agree on the following facts: That man is a triune being. Meaning that man is spirit soul and body, and that all these three parts play a very vital role in man’s day to day life; his survival and the choices he makes. The following examples shall shed more light on my points. We say that with the Spirit man contacts and communicates with the Spiritual realm. And subsequently we believe that the Spiritual realm has two sides: The Good side and the bad side; the dark side and the light side, the desirable side and the undesirable side. And we know that given a choice no one would want to be identified with the negative side of the Spiritual realm. That is why we instinctively shy away from anyone who will tell us that they prefer being evil than being good. Now when it comes to religion we all believe that these two sides actually represent two beings; that is they represent God and satan or the devil.
Now this will lead us to saying that religion or any belief in any spiritual being; law or practice cannot be done without involving your spirit. That is why we have witnessed wars between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, Lebanon, and between Israelis and the Palestinians. These are not just wars they are Spiritual conflicts that are deeply rooted in people’s spirits, and no one is prepared to give up their Spiritual belief to accommodate the other. This is the same with people who prefer to become believers in ancestral worship or witchcraft or satanism.

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Articles by Dr. Charles Mahlangu - The Freeway Tabernacle - Soweto

Dr Charles Mahlangu was born and raised in Soweto, South Africa. He married Delores 11th October 1975 in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada and is father to Bonganinkosi and Lindiwe.
Local Church: The Freeway Tabernacle
Their life verses are: Ephesians 4:7-16, It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
Life Passion: To be a part of transforming mediocre unsatisfying marriages into joyous loving marriages that glorifies God and attracts others to Him.
Hobbies: viewing wildlife, jogging, Comrades Marathon six times.
Present Ministry:Founder and lecturer of Nisela Marriage Resource.
Mission statement: To train emerging church leaders to build strong God-honouring marriages. Dr Mahlangu has developed a counsellor training course. This course is valued at 12 credits towards a Bachelor of Theology degree when enrolling at the South African Theological Seminary in Rivonia. This course is presently being taught at The Freeway Tabernacle.
Method: Train men and women through seminars and resources that are based on biblical principles. These leaders will then be skilled to counsel marriages and families in their Churches.
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Make Things Right - By Dr. Charles Mahlangu - TFT

So you have relational conflicts in your marriage? Make things right.
Your marriage is full of communication explosives? Make things right.
So, the wife has a valid case of rage against the husband? Make things right.
You stole something from God? Make things right. Make a sacrifice according to the Levitical code.
You have grudges against your spouse? Make things right.
So nobody knows you are harbouring a grudge against your spouse? Make things right.
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